" 'Animal' isn't just important in terms of its lifelike depiction of disability. It's the fully fledged example of a play that will pave the way for more inclusion on stages all across Britain."
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“ ‘Animal’ is an exceptional piece of work that hits all the right spots, and is a perfect representation of online dating for those with complex and challenging needs.”
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"I urge you to go and check out this punchy play. In a world that’s increasingly held static by the stultifying effects of identity politics, it’s marvellous to find something that deals with so many Big and Important themes in such a breezy, confident way."
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“What a joy to discover a play that is so bold, so outspoken and so thoroughly unpredictable...Sometimes it feels like a sitcom, sometimes a dark night of the soul. It’s certainly not a play for those of a delicate disposition.”
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“At its heart, this is a play about humanity and how we all have the same needs deep down, no matter what attributes are unique to us in a show that is refreshingly accessible to everyone...’ANIMAL’ is a show that will penetrate your heart and make you explode with joy and love.”
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“It’s an assembly of moments that fail to snap into motion...Lagan’s visually invigorating production feels aesthetically fresh and reflective of the digital age. It’s a pity that the writing doesn’t achieve the same sharpness.”
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"This insightful, funny and quietly heartbreaking play boasts some superb performances and provides a refreshingly uproarious look at the reality of living with cerebral palsy."
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“Only during a speech by one of his carers about the frustrations of being differently abled does the material veer into worthiness...He [David] is, however, the indisputable font of dramatic energy in Bronagh Lagan’s production.”
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