Naaman’s score, co-composed with Dana Al Fardan, is best when it’s unabashedly romantic and there’s a particularly handsome swell to the young love song, Here in This Garden. But there’s not a huge amount of variety to the music and surprisingly little of the unique sounds or rhythms of the Middle East.
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Lagan’s direction and indeed Erika Gundusen’s tight musical direction tries hard to counter the awkward pacing of the story and, to an extent, it works. However, Broken Wings is a promising musical that seems to still be in the fixing stage rather than the finished product.
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What emerges is a musical that, in its desire to stay true to its source material's themes and honour Gibran's enlightened approach to women's agency in a patriarchal world, has lost too much of the impetus, the light and shade, that a show with ambitions like this one requires.
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The singing is sometimes glorious...The pointlessly revolving stage, however, only emphasises the basic problem: this circuitous tale doesn’t really go anywhere.
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Despite being dramatically undernourished as a piece of theatre, the unique combination of bombast and delicacy in the music lingers long in the heart and mind afterwards. I suspect it'll divide people, but that its most staunch supporters will be vociferous.
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