" 'Hex' is an enjoyable family show, but is frustratingly bogged down by certain elements to be a real success."
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"Overall, though individual segments are presented with flair, it feels like 'Hex' is being made up as it goes along."
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"A fabulous musical ... just a shame about the music. But there is so much originality, quirkiness and creative magic here that it puts us under its spell."
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"This was an evening full of breathtaking effects...it was as opulent as a jewel-box. Never mind that the gem that it held wasn’t quite as beguiling."
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"It's that humanity the show needs. It's full of effects and enchantment, but it is only when Bert and Rose are kept firmly in view that it truly finds the extra level it seeks."
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"We’re so uninvested in their happy-ever-afters that none of it matters, and we’re left marvelling at the show for all the wrong reasons. So much effort and energy. So little point."
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"This is an elaborate gingerbread castle of a show that's built on candyfloss-light foundations: lovely to look at, undeniably impressive, but doomed to collapse under the weight of its own overweening ambition."
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" 'Hex' never quite wakes up to have its happy ending. There is still plenty to enjoy in 'Hex' that makes a trip to see it worthwhile. It also seems to be a show that has split opinion with many in the audience falling under its spell."
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