“The structure of the play is unquestionably intriguing...It’s a bleak dark comedy that tips its toes into politics and strives to be as genre-neutral as it can afford to. Often lighthearted but arresting in its premise, the show is impossible to pigeonhole.”
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“ ‘Sorry We Didn’t Die at Sea’ offers a different perspective on a bleak and desperate topic...The staging is very effective. The dark lighting and minimalist setting capture the sinisterness of the situation, but the characters and dialogue are often so exaggerated, the audience is left unnerved, not quite knowing whether to empathise with the characters or to laugh at their expense – a true black comedy.”
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"If this is an attempt to push at the boundaries of naturalism, it fails: the audience looks bewildered throughout, and totally lost by the end."
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“ ‘Sorry We Didn’t Die at Sea’ has many complex elements – detailed character development, a fast paced plot, humour, political salience and abstract monologues – that could conflict with each other but are instead well-balanced.”
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“A combination of sharp satire and absurdist comedy whose funnier moments I cannot do justice without spoiling the plot beats themselves, ‘Sorry We Didn’t Die at Sea’ won’t be to everyone’s taste...Still, this is a well-produced, fascinatingly staged production of a work by an acclaimed talent whose work is almost entirely new to London audiences. It’s an acquired taste of a show, but one I’d happily sample again.”
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