The Seven Pomegranate Seeds declares its classical antecedents, being, in effect, a declaimed narrative in seven stanzas, delivered by two actors. That’s fine in many ways, given the compelling performance by the brilliant Niamh Cusack and the impressive young Shannon Hayes, and Still’s arresting mise-en-scène.
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Teevan attempts a hybrid approach that combines a sense of the mythic past with modern references and sensibilities. At its best, it affords a glimpse of a continuum of female suffering and endurance down the ages. But often it feels overwrought...
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What an intriguing yet intractable play this is! It doesn't necessarily achieve all its aims, but watching it is a good deal more interesting than watching a lot of more formally successful dramas.
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It’s a frustrating 80 minutes or so — as was the shorter version recently adapted for Radio Four...Cramming seven scenarios into such a concise piece on stage is overly ambitious.
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The comedy feels an awkward fit and the drama quavers between archness and earnestness. Potent moments peep through and point at lost promise, where less could have been more.
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As with the recent Metamorphoses at the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse, which also put a contemporary spin on ancient myths, there is something strangely reassuring in hearing these ancient tales now.
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