"When the audience holler, clap, and cheer their way through two and a half hours of unadultered joy, it doesn't matter if the story could actually be told in 10 minutes; this lavish pantomime delivers the goods."
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"Money talks, finally, and so does the skill of old pros: light on giant-killing it may be, but this is giant entertainment."
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"It’s a lavish taster menu of a pantomime, for which Harrison has cooked up a variety of show-stopping dishes."
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"This beanstalk is arguably the most impressive thing about the show...Michael Harrison’s production hits every possible panto mark except one, and that’s actually making you feel something."
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"The sense of peril here is more about whether the principals will pull off their variety set pieces than whether love will conquer all...More often there is magic, not just mockery...Such length. Such girth. Such pleasure."
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"For all its arch risqué dazzle, the Palladium panto formula is starting to feel increasingly safe...There’s a meta self-awareness throughout – funny the first time, less so the fourth."
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"At heart this is essentially a variety show in panto clothing."
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"A massive star-studded spectacle that, just for a couple of hours, makes the world seem like a happier, more colourful place. Enthusiastically recommended."
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