The best tale is saved until last, and that, of course, is when Peter is chased by multiple Mr McGregors and his many dancing wheelbarrows. Now that’s entertainment, Potter-style.
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Now bookmarked into the history of the West End’s pages, the show is a wholesome bundle of joy, neatly tied with vibrant costumes, puppets and music to create a comforting musical package that Beatrix Potter herself would have been proud of.
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Visual inventiveness and the fundamentally appealing nature of the stories themselves keep the show on the road, but the whole show is a near miss at an open goal. Charming enough, but only just.
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It’s a strange choice to use recorded narration...for a live event, especially given that the audio quality of the broadcasts isn’t perfect. This led to much restlessness among the young audience.
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I admire the determination to honour Potter’s gentle imagination so immaculately, but I’ve rarely seen an audience of young children this restless, and at times even bored.
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But for all its nostalgic charm, the production commits a sin more cardinal than even Corden and co managed – it’s boring. And considering that, for many children, this will be their introduction to Beatrix Potter’s work, that seems a crying shame.
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