The Illusionists-Turn of the Century (2016)
Closed 2h 15m
The Illusionists-Turn of the Century (2016)
(75 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Clever, Absorbing, Enchanting, Funny

About the Show

Featuring world-class illusionists handpicked from across the globe, 'The Illusionists' returns to Broadway with a brand-new show designed to transport audiences back to the golden age of magic.

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Critic Reviews (7)

The New York Times
December 5th, 2016

"A bigger and kitschier enterprise, but still a less grandiose occasion than the first two seasons of this ensemble evening...Most of the evening’s bright spots were quieter, less bedazzled affairs...While the illusions were uniformly expert, several of the performers had a stilted, somewhat formal stage presence...That’s the thing about magic. Even when it’s performed with something less than perfect flair or fluency, even when we know it to be entirely fake, it accesses fantasies we all have."
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New York Daily News
December 7th, 2016

"The third installment offers its fair show of 'Hey, how’d they do that?' wonders. It also boasts a vintage Vaudeville vibe. The evening is a buffet: Dana Daniels combines comedy and card tricks — and a parrot; Charlie Frye juggles at warp speed; Jonathan Goodwin is a stud who doesn’t get impaled when he lounges on one; Justo Thaus pulls the strings on a marionette magician...Each act is polished and professional but the show lacks pizzazz. Time disappears slowly during it."
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December 7th, 2016

"'Turn of the Century' is indeed styled as an evening of old-fashioned vaudeville acts, with each performer possessing a fun, individual style...'The Illusionists' are all accomplished pros who have been working at their craft for years and their magical antics are sure to delight the kids and baffle the adults."
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Theatre is Easy
December 4th, 2016

"I was truly stunned not by their tricks, but by the amount of selflessness I saw onstage...I gave over to the magic; I believed—which is more than I can say about traditional Broadway hits...In a setting that perhaps requires the most whimsy and belief, this belief factor came easily. As for the individual 'illusionists,' their range of talent has a treat in store for any viewer, young or old."
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Front Row Center
December 7th, 2016

"‘The Illusionists’ does not pretend to be anything other than what it is: an invitation into a land where you can spend a lot of time figuring things out, or you can do the smart thing and go along with everything…There is juggling (a bit too much) combined with card tricks…This is a holiday treasure. Bring the kids – or bring an adult like me for whom magic is a necessary ingredient to the daily details of life. Settle in, and let yourself be A-M-A-Z-E-D."
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December 4th, 2016

"Noteworthy for its historical value if nothing else...The acts are hit and miss...The show stays true to the nostalgic intent by not overloading us with too many special effects, so one really gets the feeling of seeing a variety show circa 1903...While other editions mostly featured male illusionists, we have wonderful female performers here, too...Is the show groundbreaking or original? Hardly. However, as a Broadway history lesson on outdated gimmickry, it never fails to entertain."
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The Stage (UK)
December 5th, 2016

"Feels like an attempt to spin overly familiar acts as vintage classics...These are pros who travel the world, but the Palace hasn’t been a vaudeville house since 1929...Neil Dorward’s production sits awkwardly in the space...Goodwin makes a point of saying he’s not an illusionist, and that everything he does is real, but even he doesn't have the magical power to make the 150 minutes go faster."
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