The Merchant of Venice (Lincoln Center Festival)
Closed 2h 45m
The Merchant of Venice (Lincoln Center Festival)

The Merchant of Venice (Lincoln Center Festival) NYC Reviews and Tickets

(26 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Absorbing, Great staging, Intelligent, Thought-provoking

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The Lincoln Center Festival presents the Shakespeare's Globe production of the Bard's classic problem play, starring two-time Tony winner Jonathan Price as Shylock.

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150 Reviews | 34 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Great staging, Intelligent, Profound

See it if You like Shakespeare and enjoy examining human relationships

Don't see it if You don't like Shakespeare

162 Reviews | 72 Followers
Great acting, Great writing, Masterful

See it if You love Shakespeare and, specifically, "The Merchant of Venice." This is a masterful production, brilliantly acted.

Don't see it if You don't like Shakespeare.

130 Reviews | 45 Followers
Great acting, Thought-provoking, Masterful, Absorbing

See it if I might be a tad biased cause I know some cast members but I thought this production was amazing and very relevant to our political climate

Don't see it if you don't like the play itself and don't like Shakespeare done in time period costume/set/music. J.Pryce and cast were stunning though

140 Reviews | 76 Followers
Great acting, Great writing, Intelligent, Great staging, Exquisite

See it if You enjoy Shakespeare performed by the world's best company, love the character of Portia, are open to a play that in part reflects its age

Don't see it if You are determined to see the play as biased rather than exploring stereotypes, or you hate Shakespeare

91 Reviews | 15 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Entertaining, Great staging, Intelligent

See it if You like Shakespeare problem plays, Jonathan Pryce, updating a classic, outstanding production values.

Don't see it if You don't like nearly 3 hour Shakespeare plays, anti-semitism as a theme, updating of a classic.

214 Reviews | 61 Followers
Great acting, Resonant, Absorbing, Great writing, Masterful

See it if you like excellently performed Shakespeare in a mostly traditional staging.

Don't see it if you've seen the play too many times already or if you have no interest in Shakespeare.

418 Reviews | 190 Followers
Great acting, Great writing, Great staging, Thought-provoking, Entertaining

See it if M of V presented by a group of actors dedicated to his plays - Shakespeare's Globe; Jonathan Pryce as Shylock;original music and dance

Don't see it if Abuse of Jews in plays upsets you; You cannot follow Elizabethian dialogue and syntax; You think that Shakepeare's plays are dull and boring

171 Reviews | 162 Followers
Must see, Intelligent, Profound, Great staging, Relevant

See it if u wish a strong prod., a great Shylock & a chance to make sense of this difficult play. It's worth your 3 hours and the cost. Venue is good.

Don't see it if u can't be bothered, only willing to pay for perfection, have no patience, no love of verse. Has 3 brilliant scenes, set is effective, dark.

Critic Reviews (17)

The New York Times
July 22nd, 2016

"A brooding, powerful production…Throughout the director Jonathan Munby’s lucid and strongly acted staging, we will remain aware that while this Shakespearean play is classified as a comedy and is poised ambivalently between light and dark, it will generally be the baser aspects of humanity that prevail...Mr. Pryce illuminates Shylock’s anguish so vividly, his face a contorted mask of spiritual suffering, that it all but erases any sense of contrasting light and dark in the play."
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Time Out New York
July 23rd, 2016

"A stodgy, underwhelming affair. More or less Renaissance Venice in its period costumes and incidental music, Jonathan Munby’s staging is unfussy and direct, but rarely exciting...Pryce speaks his text with that mellifluous, subtly menacing delivery, shifting from complacent self-satisfaction to howling dismay. But his Shylock a generally passive, cerebral performance, all in the voice and very little in the body. Still, what a grand voice. Pryce is one of the last of the classically trained greats."
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July 22nd, 2016

"As the much maligned yet ethically questionable Jewish moneylender Shylock, Pryce's multifaceted performance is so nuanced that he dominates Jonathan Munby's mounting...During Pryce's offstage scenes, however, this 'Merchant of Venice' is disappointingly black-and-white. The romantic moments between the lovers never quite gel, with far too many of the performers fading into the background. Only in the climactic trial scene does this production come to life as a whole."
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The Huffington Post
July 23rd, 2016

"Jonathan Munby’s first-rate Shakespeare’s Globe production...Throughout, Munby keeps the disdain for Jews prominent...Pryce plays Shylock as a man of great dignity, despite (because of?) the hatred accorded him...During the parts of the play when the Shylock plot gets a breather and the competition for Portia’s hand and its aftermath takes focus, Munby hews to a more tradition approach every bit as successful as the enhanced Shylock episodes. He has a first-rate cast performing for him."
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July 22nd, 2016

"Live sightings of Jonathan Pryce are rare in New York...His complex, blazingly internalized Shylock is a reminder of how much we’ve been missing. Director Munby’s handsome, modest, stylistically jarring production is a mixed treasure. It is obnoxious in its audience-participation clowning, but harrowing in its violent juxtaposition of the merry Venetian gentiles and their unspeakably casual cruelty to the Jews."
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July 25th, 2016

"Pryce’s portrait of Shylock in the dark and powerful production is brilliant and tragic. He invests his character with so much humanity that the distances of time and space vanish...All the performances, under the direction of Jonathan Munby, are excellent, with particularly stellar turns from the three women…A brilliant production, and a performance that will stay with you long after the torches go out."
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The Guardian (UK)
July 22nd, 2016

"The very best of what a traditional production can be, throwing light on the text but with enough new touches to preserve against boredom…Pryce’s Shylock rescued the role from being a 'comment' on race, and returned it to the story of a battered, angry and increasingly mad old man, pushed to savagery by the savagery around him…In this production he was rendered as a complexly as I’ve seen…The effect of the play was as of a punch to the gut."
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The New York Times
May 20th, 2015
For a previous production

"Though the production might appear at the outset to be conventional, don’t be misled. Mike Britton’s richly brocaded costumes may be period-sumptuous, but this ever-problematic play forsakes sartorial pageantry to land with a telling sting in its tail. Suffice it to say that Mr. Munby and his largely expert company understand the difficulty in classifying as comic a play that is so dominated by the vilification of the Jewish moneylender Shylock."
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