The Parisian Woman
Closed 1h 30m
The Parisian Woman

The Parisian Woman NYC Reviews and Tickets

(449 Ratings)
Members say
Relevant, Entertaining, Clever, Great acting, Disappointing

About the Show

Oscar nominee Uma Thurman ('Pulp Fiction,' 'Kill Bill') makes her Broadway debut in a new power play by 'House of Cards' creator Beau Willimon ('Farragut North,' 'Ides of March'). Directed by Tony winner Pam MacKinnon.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (449)

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50 Reviews | 21 Followers
Clever, Entertaining, Epic, Great acting, Relevant

See it if You loyou ve making fun of the current presidential administration and if you enjoy house of cards minus spacey.

Don't see it if You are conservative

474 Reviews | 114 Followers
Great acting, Great writing, Clever, Absorbing

See it if Sublime acting, political drama about a woman who will stop at nothing to get her husband a judgeship. Shocking what she'll do.

Don't see it if You'd be bored by a fast paced 100 minute drama. But time flies by

96 Reviews | 8 Followers
Intelligent, Relevant, Absorbing

See it if want to watch a thought provoking play with great acting

Don't see it if do not like thought provoking plays

127 Reviews | 36 Followers
Absorbing, Charismatic, Great writing, Relevant, Sleek

See it if Nonstop exchange of sharp and witty comebacks that is not only relevant to today’s politics, but also deeply captivating. Kudos big toe lady

Don't see it if Conversations are lengthy and obviously politically charged. Huge Trump hater as well. Numerous subtle nuances will be missed from far Read more

166 Reviews | 49 Followers
Clever, Great acting, Intelligent, Relevant, Thought-provoking

See it if you enjoy sharp wit and drama together plus characters you'll both love and hate. If you're left wing, you'll like the political humor.

Don't see it if you're sensitive to jokes about the sitting president.

224 Reviews | 42 Followers
Absorbing, Edgy

See it if Uma and a well known cast are on your list. Interesting take on Washington Politics with some surprise turns.

Don't see it if Your both by anti Trump statements

266 Reviews | 27 Followers
Funny, Entertaining, Intelligent, Clever

See it if You enjoy political comedy/dramas; you like plays with twists and turns; you want to see Uma Thurman in her first Broadway appearance

Don't see it if You would be offended by negative comments about the current administration

70 Reviews | 13 Followers
Clever, Great acting, Intelligent

See it if You want a real political thrill..and something that is witty and clever. Uma THurman is great

Don't see it if if you are looking for a long day's journey into is a short play with no intermission but well worth it

Critic Reviews (57)

The New York Times
November 30th, 2017

"A collection of every cozy cliché to be mined from the deep catalog of stories about powerful intrigues and human deceit...The setups are unlikely, the payoffs banal. Call it 'Dangerless Liaisons'...Things we need to know are posted baldly in dialogue like a weird Tinder profile. But then nothing in this play — not one line or ginned-up plot turn — feels real. That some of the cast members nevertheless do feel real is a tribute to the great mystery of stage performance."
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Time Out New York
November 30th, 2017

"Willimon seems stymied by his project. A political thriller stuffed into a sex comedy’s dress, the play bulges in all the wrong places. To be fair, it is hard to assess 'The Parisian Woman' on the basis of Pam MacKinnon’s enervated Broadway production...Thurman is a milky dud. She has no chemistry with either the waxy Lucas or any of the other actors; it’s like watching people try to snap their fingers with wet hands...The play totters idly forward without finding sure footing."
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New York Magazine / Vulture
November 30th, 2017

"In attempting to walk the line between classic sexual intrigue and contemporary political resonance, 'The Parisian Woman' falls flat on both counts, delivering yet another lamely apologetic, latently self-satisfied slog through the worldview of an ostensibly liberal white dude...Thurman and her castmates are battling their way through dialogue that feels surprisingly monotonous and frequently stilted...A dull complacency weighs down the whole play."
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New Yorker
November 30th, 2017

"Why does the play have such trouble finding its angle on the enraging political scene? Despite being self-knowingly au courant, 'The Parisian Woman' feels as creaky as an old boulevard entertainment...While the play informs us of Chloe’s allure, it’s not much in evidence...If people are drawn to Chloe, it’s not because Thurman has injected her with charisma...Thurman is a blank, swanning and sighing as if impersonating the leading lady of an old drawing-room comedy."
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The Wall Street Journal
November 30th, 2017

"A weightlessly slick piece of politics-flavored confectionery...It bored me to the point of squirming in my seat, packed as it is with boo-hiss-cheer lines so predictable that I caught myself mouthing some of the comebacks a half-beat ahead of the actors. As for Thurman, her performance is technically competent but devoid of the red-hot star quality...MacKinnon is famously good at staging naturalistic dramas, and has done her best to disguise the limitations of the star and script."
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November 30th, 2017

"Peppered with newsy references that suggest not so much keen-eared timeliness as a script in flux right up to curtain time. Which may explain why 'The Parisian Woman' is such a train wreck...The dialogue is stilted and delivered haltingly even by the pros in the cast...The amateurism defeats both the director and the more experienced actors onstage...The zingers don’t zing, the flings flop, and 90 minutes pass like the first year of the administration of One Who Must Not Be Named."
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New York Daily News
November 30th, 2017

"Chloe, we’re often told, is fascinating. But the script does little to show why...But Thurman’s striking presence...goes a long way to making Chloe attention-getting...How will Chloe reach her goal? That’s burning question the play posits as Pam McKinnon’s assured, well-acted and handsomely designed staging unfolds...That makes for dishy entertainment...At times the dialogue is too stiff to sound natural. But politics are in Willimon’s wheelhouse."
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November 30th, 2017

"Entrusting this captivating character to a star from another artistic solar system proves an unkindness to both character and star...It gives no pleasure to watch the star struggling to keep up with Chloe...Willimon has updated his play to reflect players in the current administration....But he fails to draw on any of the many issues bedeviling the president, missing his chance to turn this mannered trifle into a substantive political drama."
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