The Visit
Closed 1h 35m
The Visit
(85 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Original, Disappointing, Clever, Absorbing

About the Show

Broadway legend Chita Rivera stars in the historical final collaboration between Kander and Ebb and book writer Terrence McNally in this musical adaptation about greed and revenge.

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Critic Reviews (37)

The New York Times
April 23rd, 2015

"'The Visit' only rarely shakes off a stasis that suggests a carefully carved mausoleum frieze. Nor does the show ever quite make peace between its uneasily twinned strands of merciless cynicism and a softer sentimentality...'That 'The Visit' still holds the attention has much to do with Ms. Rivera’s command of the stage...'The Visit' may in part be about the cruel price that life exacts if you stick around long enough. But Ms. Rivera adds a savory note of triumph to that bitter lesson."
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Time Out New York
April 23rd, 2015

"It remains fascinating and alluring, if finally repetitive and frustrating...For all its flaws, though, you would never say the cast and crew of this often hypnotizing, eerie experiment were driven by fear or the lust for lucre."
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New York Magazine / Vulture
April 23rd, 2015

"The better the songs are, the weirder the show gets. There is, it seems to me, something ultimately incompatible in the marriage of this prime example of the European absurd and American show-must-go-on razzmatazz. Alienation and gregariousness make strange co-stars, but then so did Kander and Ebb. What a joy to have them back on Broadway and to think that, even half-dead, they’re unkillable."
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The Wall Street Journal
April 23rd, 2015

"This production was worth the wait...'The Visit' is a cynical tragicomedy whose score is as gorgeous as its heart is hard. If that’s your cup of arsenic, you’ve come to the right apothecary...'The Visit' isn’t for everyone. But Mr. Kander and his late, lamented partner never wrote a finer score, and if you find that there isn’t much kick in the milk of human kindness, then you’ll thrill to their cruel tale of what men who dare to call themselves decent will do to one another if the price is right."
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April 23rd, 2015

"The show has deepened greatly...Kander’s music has never stopped evolving in its beauty, complexity and breadth, and the melodies here get under your skin even if the lyrics are not up to Ebb’s best. McNally’s compressed book does the job elegantly. I can’t imagine this show appealing to a Broadway audience seeking upbeat thrills, but I’m glad it finally made it here."
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New York Daily News
April 23rd, 2015

"Revenge is a dish served tepid in “The Visit.” The warmth hobbles this stark musical fable by John Kander, Fred Ebb and Terrence McNally. With this team, the show is certainly worthwhile. But it could really send shivers — and doesn’t. 'The Visit' pulls its punches...Wildcat? No. Claire and 'The Visit' are too domesticated for their own good."
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April 23rd, 2015

"The show is more literary piece than conventional musical. But it has a dark, sinister beauty...It begins well and ends well, but sags in the middle."
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The Hollywood Reporter
April 23rd, 2015

"A second-tier Kander and Ebb score is better than a lot of musical craftsmen's best, which makes 'The Visit' a welcome curiosity...The funereal show's shortage of tonal variation makes it harder to love...One of the production's rewards is the thrilling choral singing and exquisitely textured harmonies. But unquestionably, the reason to see 'The Visit' even with its flaws is the star."
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