Three Tall Women (Broadway)
Closed 1h 45m
Three Tall Women (Broadway)

Three Tall Women (Broadway) NYC Reviews and Tickets

(612 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Absorbing, Great staging, Great writing, Intelligent

About the Show

Edward Albee's 1994 Pulitzer Prize-winning drama comes to Broadway for the first time, starring two-time Oscar winner Glenda Jackson, Tony and three-time Emmy Award winner Laurie Metcalf, and Tony nominee Alison Pill.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (612)

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206 Reviews | 42 Followers
Great acting, Great staging, Great writing, Absorbing, Intelligent

See it if you want to see the great Glenda Jackson in a stellar role, you enjoy modern plays, you want to see a great revival of an award-winning play

Don't see it if you don't like plays, you want big production values Read more

75 Reviews | 18 Followers
Exquisite, Brilliant acting, Masterful, Great staging, Ambitious

See it if You love expertly crafted plays with brilliant performances!

Don't see it if If you don't like plays.

449 Reviews | 56 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Masterful, Resonant, Relevant

See it if Glenda, Laurie, Alison and Albee...master class.

Don't see it if See it

75 Reviews | 10 Followers
Great acting, Great writing, Intelligent, Funny, Great staging

See it if You want to see masterful acting by three amazing women. Clever set design that complements the witty dialogue.

Don't see it if You aren't a fan of black comedy or you don't want to think.

90 Reviews | 37 Followers
Great acting, Exquisite writing, Absorbing, Clever, Disappointing

See it if You want a riveting experience, would love to see it again with iconic Glenda Jackson. Smart intuitive direction dark issues,black humor .

Don't see it if You want light entertainment that never touches on dark issues.

119 Reviews | 29 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Great writing, Hilarious, Intelligent

See it if you would like to see three women give a master class in theatre and watch Albee at his best. Only have the time for one play, THIS IS IT.

Don't see it if Sorry, no reason to answer this question

104 Reviews | 20 Followers
Absorbing, Exquisite, Funny, Great acting

See it if Look at the 3 women in the cast. Great play great acting,this is why you go to broadway

Don't see it if I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t see this

73 Reviews | 12 Followers
Delightful, Great acting, Entertaining

See it if you like a play about women. Great acting Glenda Jackson should win the Tony !!! Absolutely loved it !!!

Don't see it if you don't like plays about the elderly, strong woman

Critic Reviews (69)

The New York Times
March 29th, 2018

"A torrentially exciting production...Joe Mantello’s chic, devastating staging was worth the wait...'Three Tall Women' is rigorous but also generous, even loving, to its characters — and audience...That doesn’t mean this is a perfect play...Still, time has been good to 'Three Tall Women,' and Mantello’s production further burnishes its insights and confirms its originality...A play that despite its frailties and wrinkles has aged beautifully, into a burning, raving classic."
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Time Out New York
March 29th, 2018

"Glenda Jackson gives a towering performance in the exquisite new revival...Jackson tears through the grandeur and pathos with ferocious command...In the central coup de théâtre of Joe Mantello’s scalpel-sharp production, Miriam Buether’s gorgeous set opens up to create a new space of phantoms and mirrors...What makes Albee’s play so moving is not that all three are the same woman; it’s that all three of them are us. Together, they create a singular experience at the theater."
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New York Magazine / Vulture
March 29th, 2018

"This revival of 'Three Tall Women' really is a staggering example of precisely what a dramatic actor does onstage. Actually three examples...Since there’s very little action, the play is exceptionally dependent on the expressiveness of the three actors...Jackson has done a lot of smart comedy as well as classical dramatic roles, and she makes the most of the laugh lines that Albee sprinkles throughout the dialogue."
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New Yorker
April 9th, 2018

"Mantello draws on Jackson's staunchness, but her characterization, like that of the other actors, comes not from inside...but from previous performances...A production that favors the flash of show biz over the complications of the flesh...They parade around Buther's overdone set like angsty marionettes, which the director uses to distract us from a story that Albee wrote from the heart."
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The Wall Street Journal
March 29th, 2018

"It’ll be a long time before 'Three Tall Women' is performed by a better cast...A conversation piece set in the bedroom of a rich, senile woman...That’s all there is to 'Three Tall Women,' but it’s enough. Mr. Albee has given his three women fascinating things to say about the character whom they collectively embody...Ms. Jackson gives an acrid, wised-up performance that is as pointed as you’d expect from so celebrated an actor. It’s no better, though, than that of Ms. Metcalf."
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March 29th, 2018

"Albee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning late-career masterpiece has been given the loving, impeccable production that Albee apparently thought was beyond Broadway’s reach...Not a bit of it would work if any of the three actresses stumbled somehow, and to say they don’t is an understatement...And finally there’s Glenda Jackson, her monumental performance arriving so deep into an astounding 61 professional years that it mirrors Albee’s late-career accomplishment of this very play."
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New York Daily News
March 29th, 2018

"Superb new production of Edward Albee’s 1994 Pulitzer Prize-winning drama that's been directed with a sure hand and more than a touch of class by Joe Mantello...Jackson squeezes out every bit of rage, regret and wry humor. Simply put, she gives one of the best and most exciting performances of the season...While Metcalf and Pill are both effective, they recede on stage."
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March 29th, 2018

"Watching Glenda Jackson in theatrical flight is like looking straight into the sun. Her expressive face registers her thoughts while guarding her feelings. But it’s the voice that really thrills...This is a punishing play. The sentiments are cold and steely, and even though the language is beautiful, it is fierce...If there is one thing Jackson is not, it is sentimental. There are lines that some thesps would milk like a cow. But not Jackson, with her commitment to truth in performance."
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