A Better Place
Closed 1h 40m
A Better Place

A Better Place NYC Reviews and Tickets

(29 Ratings)
Members say
Disappointing, Banal, Cliched, Clever, Funny

About the Show

The Directors Company presents a new comedy about Manhattanites’ insatiable lust for real estate.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (29)

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754 Reviews | 128 Followers
Clever, Entertaining, Funny, Refreshing, Great staging

See it if you have ever lived in a NYC apartment. The amusing realities of city living keep the audience laughing in this envy driven plot.

Don't see it if coincidences in plays bother you. The plot resolution revolves around a coincidence but the events are character driven.

318 Reviews | 62 Followers
Entertaining, Clever, Ambitious, Edgy, Great staging

See it if A millennial A native New Yorker Intellectual Likes plays Gay friendly Understanding of the housing market Want not very expensive show

Don't see it if Don't like plays Don't get anything about the current landscape/ issues related to housing/rentals

158 Reviews | 201 Followers
Real estate obsessed nyers

See it if If you are a fan of those NY real estate shows you'll probably find enough to be amused and entertained by this 90 min show- cool staging.

Don't see it if If you're not drawn in by the "real estate porn" or have never ascribed life stories and personalities to people based on observation only

538 Reviews | 158 Followers
Original, Great staging, Great acting, Relevant, Thought-provoking

See it if You enjoy kooky characters that will make you laugh and almost cry. You enjoy relationship dramas dealing with realistic situations.

Don't see it if Gay characters and humor disturb you. These characters, not only they gay ones lean toward charicature. .

108 Reviews | 59 Followers
Silly, Frivolous, Great staging, Over-hated

See it if Expectations are everything, and show scores here set the bar so low, one couldn't help but be charmed by this funny but forgettable farce.

Don't see it if I'm not saying to pay serious money for this, but I've seen far worse plays with show-scores in the yellow & green zones

273 Reviews | 40 Followers

See it if like a tolerable play. Unique set adds a few points. Not totally interesting, and not totally boring. Should be a bit shorter.

Don't see it if you don't like a bland play.

187 Reviews | 211 Followers
Clever, Great staging, Derivative, Over-the-top stereotyping

See it if you've recently been apartment hunting or if you like seeing a terrific set. Some cast members are quite good and there were good moments.

Don't see it if you hate shrill, spoiled young women or seeing New Yorkers, Jews, and gays stereotyped.

524 Reviews | 134 Followers
Funny sweet stereotyped diverting harmless

See it if Moderately funny - about a gay man whose partner has the same name spelled backward. They live in a dump across from a luxury apt he covets

Don't see it if The straight woman and daughter in the condo are sex obsessed. The husband is a gambler. Somehow it fits together and delivers a few laughs

Critic Reviews (13)

May 15th, 2016

"Beckett loads her story with bizarre plots twists that never seem to build to anything…Everyone in this story is relatively privileged when it comes to real estate, a fact that could have served as a launching pad for a deeper exploration of the fallacies in our present conversation around inequality. Instead, Beckett settles for soap-operatic plot twists and a hastily constructed conclusion…The themes underlying 'A Better Place' are monumentally important. They deserve a better play."
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Lighting & Sound America
May 18th, 2016

“The playwright, Wendy Beckett, piles on so many lame conceits and garish cartoon characterizations that the amusement quotient hovers near zero...Filled with reams of unamusing dialogue and wildly improbable plot developments...If the director, Evan Bergman, can't make anything out of the script, he has seen to it that ‘A Better Place’ has a very attractive production design...In the buyer's market for good theatre, ‘A Better Place’ is likely to sit on the shelf, attracting very few takers.”
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May 18th, 2016

"Les, the protagonist, is confident that the family in the apartment with no curtains across the way is rich and happy. If he were right, Ms. Beckett wouldn't have a play. As things stand, she doesn't have much of a play anyway…'A Better Place' begins with an amusing premise but swiftly runs amok. Despite the six actors' valiant efforts, Beckett's characters seldom behave in ways that are psychologically credible and the prolix dialogue is, by and large, devoid of verisimilitude."
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Theatre is Easy
May 17th, 2016

"Director Evan Bergman’s greatest moment is the show’s opening, a carefully staged dumb show that gives us a very clear sense of what life is like in these two apartments...There is very little information that is communicated for the remainder of the evening...This excellent ensemble of actors serves the play well...Ultimately, the play is somewhat repetitive...Though the production is aesthetically beautiful, there’s not enough action in the play to captivate the audience’s attention."
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Theater Pizzazz
May 15th, 2016

“Love. Money. Real Estate...there’s a better play to be written about these topics than Beckett’s mostly muddled one-act...Director Bergman has a lot on his hands with this slightly overstuffed play...At times, he gets the cast to rise above the material...But sometimes the lines just fall flat despite their efforts, and the show drags…For all its flaws, though, ‘Place’ does accomplish something special. No matter where you live, the place you really want to head to after seeing it is home.”
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Front Row Center
May 17th, 2016

"The mother/daughter bits work quite well...The gay couple are written as stereotypes...The younger character is superficial but suddenly opens up with a longing for the family he didn’t have. That’s about as deep as it gets. What’s missing is missing from the script...Finally, all is revealed, but it takes way too long to get to it. 'A Better Place' began with a good idea but ultimately didn’t gel. The plot is thin and relies on cliché, on silly underlining."
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Theatre Reviews Limited
May 15th, 2016

"Unfortunately, this particular journey to get there is long, slow and predictable, offering no new insight and executed by stereotypical characters that are one dimensional…The dialogue does not move the plot or define the characters. Who cares if anyone ends up in a better place! The cast does what they can to entertain, usually relying on forced comedic situations but there are too many obstacles to overcome so they succumb to stereotypes to produce humor."
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Broadway Blog
May 16th, 2016

"If you ever need to answer the question “What has more holes than Swiss cheese?” you can say...Wendy Beckett’s ‘A Better Place,’ an...underwhelming, overacted comedy...‘A Better Place’’s plot advances when John wins $96,000 on a single race at Belmont and, on his way home, loses...the payout. The money’s loss sets in motion a sequence of egregious coincidences...you wouldn’t believe even if I told you."
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