See it if You like shows that take you back to the German era.
Don't see it if You like musicals and upbeat shows.
See it if You have a friend in the cast.
Don't see it if You dislike clunky translations where the director does nothing to draw out the comedy or the interesting in the text.
See it if You like to be challenged by active political theatre.
Don't see it if you're only interested in big budget broadway productions.
See it if historical theatre, esp. Toller's German self-critical realism between the world wars in the formative years of the Third Reich, intrigues
Don't see it if you cannot focus for continuous 105 minutes in uncomfortable seats on clunky, Germanic construction, clumsily spoken dialog with no surprise
See it if You can sit through a 1:45 no intermission play that requires concentration. It is dark and can be redundant.
Don't see it if If you want something light if you are not able to listen to a lot of yelling Read more
See it if You're looking for a thought-provoking performance and incredible directing. Acting and storyline were incredibly compelling.
Don't see it if You're looking for a terrible show.
See it if You like human drama mixed w political angst and history.
Don't see it if You're looking for a feel-good piece
See it if ... can't really come up with any compelling reason to see it. It does get E for effort, but unfortunately it doesn't rise above that.
Don't see it if there's something better you'd rather do. Read more