My Big Gay Italian Wedding
My Big Gay Italian Wedding
Closed 2h 0m NYC: Midtown W
88% 9 reviews
(9 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Funny, Delightful, Clever, Hilarious

About the Show

An unapologetically derivative play with music, this comedy seems to borrow liberally from the hit film 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' and Off-Broadway's long-running 'Tony and Tina's Wedding.'

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Critic Reviews (4)

May 23rd, 2010

"Wilkinson's hackneyed plotting is matched by the clichΓ©d characterizations, from the bitterly squabbling semi-butch lesbians to lisping queens to Anthony's big-haired female relatives. The dialogue is equally predictable, filled with Italian invectives and some ethnic slurs that would make Archie Bunker proud. And the director's lackadaisical production does the play no favors."
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The Huffington Post
August 23rd, 2010

"Feel like a bawdy, big-haired romp? Well, come on down. Don't care if it's a bit derivative? You've come to the right place. Mind enough stereotypes to make an Italian-American anti-defamation activist weep? Hop over to St. Luke's Theatre...And yet, deep down, it's got heart. This off-Broadway production is really just a big, sloppy same-sex smooch, wrapped in a gooey cannoli."
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Edge New York
May 24th, 2010

"Everyone is going to have his or her favorite moment in My Big Gay Italian Wedding, the insanely funny and fun confection playing in a church basement on Restaurant Row. The mixture of the sacred and profane, the ultra-serious and ultra-silly makes this the perfect play to see on a humid summer night."
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September 4th, 2013

"Parodying the 2002 hit film My Big Fat Greek Wedding through the lens of same-sex marriage, the camp comedies are both funny and relevant, with heartwarming messages about gay rights and wrongs, friends, families, and forgiveness, which underlie the hilarious high-jinks."
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