The Way Back Home
The Way Back Home
Closed 0h 45m NYC: Midtown W
94% 1 reviews
(1 Rating)
Members say
Delightful, Absorbing, Riveting, Great staging, Charming

About the Show

New Victory Theater presents a puppet adaptation of Oliver Jeffers' picture book of the same name, about a young boy's outer space adventures. Best for audiences ages 3 to 5. 

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Critic Reviews (3)

October 5th, 2014
For a previous production

"This enchanting a piece about conquering the fear of the unknown...When it began it was so mesmerizing that I actually felt tears springing to my eyes. The opening section is inspired by the aesthetics of the book, whilst not actually being part of the original story...The original music and evocative design of Teater Refleksion’s Mariann Aagaard made this beautiful and imaginative story come alive on stage...Any fan of Jeffers work, either young or old, this is a must see."
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Irish Times
October 2nd, 2014
For a previous production

"The tone of Jeffers’ whimsical story is greatly enhanced by the emotional expressiveness of the two central characters while a subtle original soundtrack enhances the lunar landscape...If there is any flaw in this beautiful, touching and playful production, it is the over-estimation of the expected audience’s level of engagement. 'The Way Back Home' is pitched at a 3+ audience, but the abstracted aesthetic is too much for a preschool demographic to take on."
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The Irish Independent
October 19th, 2014
For a previous production

"A simple, wordless show...The puppets are perfect embodiments of their paper selves and the gentle eloquence of the story is bewitching. My eldest, now seven, and her twin sisters, aged four, loved it (though found it very slightly too long)."
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