Twelfth Night (Classic Stage Company)
Closed 2h 30m
Twelfth Night (Classic Stage Company)
(86 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Delightful, Clever, Great acting, Funny

About the Show

Fiasco Theater brings their hallmark style and expansive imagination to one of Shakespeare’s most popular comedies in Classic Stage Company's production.

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Critic Reviews (22)

The New York Times
December 14th, 2017

"As usual, the performers let the story tell itself, without excessive interpretive psychology...The show is steeped in a daylight lucidity, making it an ideal introduction to 'Twelfth Night' for theatergoers unacquainted with this play...But the electricity I associate with Fiasco is oddly lacking, as is the sense of unexpected revelation. The show as a whole feels like a clean-lined sketch for a fuller work to come...'Twelfth Night' cries out for more layered and intricate portraiture."
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Time Out New York
December 14th, 2017

"Their 'Twelfth Night' lacks their usual derring-do...The production’s coziness—sweaters, beards, sea chanties—smothers any sense of risk...Toby Belch (Andy Grotelueschen) and Andrew Aguecheek (Paco Tolson) have their dunce caps strapped on tight, and their scenes together—so silly, so ass-over-teakettle ridiculous—have the old Fiasco zing...But the company has landed itself in too-pleasant country. Better to set sail for rougher shores."
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New York Magazine / Vulture
December 14th, 2017

"A charming, unfussy take...Honest, open, and noble...There’s no heavy stylistic signature on the work — instead, Fiasco’s priorities seem to spring from the mindset of actors who deeply love Shakespeare and long to communicate this material’s great gifts and joys...This is excellent gateway-drug Shakespeare, and I mean that as sincere praise...Plays things a bit on the safe side tonally, but all in all, it’s 'a most happy wreck.'"
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December 14th, 2017

"Visually appealing and brimming with musicality, this 'Twelfth Night' never capsizes, but it does leave us feeling as though we've taken a good voyage of nothing...The production never reaches an adequate clip for Shakespearean comedy. The exposition can be downright plodding at times., while conservative performances mostly fail to make an impression...We know this comedy can glide, which is why it is so disappointing that Fiasco's production merely treads water."
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December 21st, 2017

“”Twelfth Night’ is the kind of piece that bubbles with youthful energy as its characters awkwardly explore their romantic passions. That youthful energy is delightfully brimming in Fiasco’s production...There's a casual connection between actors and audience, as they tell the story of shipwrecked twins...The rousing musical moments shared by the company enhance the merry spirit of the fun and fast-moving production.”
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Lighting & Sound America
December 19th, 2017

“The actors barely seem to connect with their characters...May be the least amusing 'Twelfth Night' I've ever seen. Never a bore and never vulgar or pandering, it has moments when the text blessedly asserts itself...There's also something likable about the overall no-frills approach...But why strip down a production if you aren't going to highlight Shakespeare's words and characters?...I don't think I've ever seen one so thoroughly lacking in point of view and reason for being."
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Talkin' Broadway
December 14th, 2017

“The Fiasco Theater's rollicking, new production of ‘Twelfth Night' is the perfect way to spend a cold, winter night...Co-directed with economic flair by Fiasco stalwarts Brody and Steinfeld and boasts a resourceful cast who are having even more fun than the audience, if that's possible...Fiasco's revival is a rousing success on its own terms...Celebrate the season with Fiasco's simple, yet effective, reimagining of Shakespeare's masterpiece of identity, illusion, and illumination.”
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December 14th, 2017

"The result here is understated, satisfying but without offering a striking new take on a classic work. This carries the risk of the production failing to distinguish itself. But what stands out most strongly here is the collaborative spirit amongst the performers...A skillful and joyous take on an old favorite...The cheery band of performers gives off a most festive energy, and it's easy to feel among friends as you're along for the ride. "
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