Part of the New York Musical Festival: The Comic World is in a state of chaos. Joe, the artist who draws the politically savvy 'ULTIMATE MAN!,' has lost control of his characters...and himself!
Read more Show lessSee it if you enjoy a bit of satire, comedy, interesting music and fun characters.
Don't see it if you have no interest in comic book characters.
See it if You want to look at Michael Glavan in a typical superhero outfit for two hours, and are able to shut your brain off.
Don't see it if You think a guy getting raped followed in 2 min by a joke about rape culture is okay; you find 30 variations on "Republicans are evil" funny
See it if you can enjoy the fun of 2D comic book characters in the real world you can overlook weak parts & some lame jokes to enjoy fun performances
Don't see it if you're expecting a polished piece of work you have limited time/patience you're expecting the smart stylishness of CITY OF ANGELS
See it if you love comedic musicals with a bit of political undertone. Comic book nerds will LOVE the show. Great music with strong singers!
Don't see it if you don't have a sense of humor.
See it if you enjoy really bad musicals that never take flight and are completely Earthbound boring in every way.
Don't see it if you don't want to see an untalented team of out-of-touch geriatrics create something that is completely irrelevant in 2016.
See it if You enjoy clever, humorous, juxtapositioning of cartoons, real life, and current politics with outstanding singers and actors.
Don't see it if You have no sense of humor and know nothing about politics.
See it if you like comic books and helping the development of new musicals
Don't see it if you expect a completely perfect and polished product
See it if you feel a couple of lively late 2nd act songs and a game cast outweigh a boring, undeveloped establishing script.
Don't see it if unless you must reward the inclusion of humorless political one liners (i.e., Hillary will give us single payer health care)
"The book which tries to be funny is not. The show, which tries to be part spoof, part politically ironic and part musically entertaining, fails on all accounts. To make matters worse, the music is a bore and tuneless...The plot is not even smart enough for five-year-olds if they got the political barbs, or entertaining enough for adults...The choreography is amateurish with everything but some of the performances coming off as trite...What is good about this show is most of the cast."
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“What appeared on stage was a dated musical with weak material, and 28 songs and reprises with only a handful being salvageable...It's a musical that seems to be lost in nostalgia...It's like watching the old guy at the party trying to be young and hip...But when something works, it really really works...Charles Abbott’s direction was weak to say the least...It was drab. The comic world should lead to a plethora of potential. Instead, it was just a series of missed opportunities.”
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