Beautiful Day Without You
Closed 1h 35m
Beautiful Day Without You

Beautiful Day Without You NYC Reviews and Tickets

(21 Ratings)
Members say
Confusing, Intense, Absorbing, Disappointing, Great acting

About the Show

Origin Theatre Company presents the world premiere production of this drama about neighbors in a Chicago suburb housing project are brought together by a deadly encounter involving their dogs.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (21)

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53 Reviews | 11 Followers
Great staging, Relevant, Ambitious, Thought-provoking

See it if like a STRONG underlying concept about struggle & survival, smart & meaningful design, & NOT the usual cookie-cutter theatrical experience!

Don't see it if you like the boring, realistic theater that has become so prevalent, or want a fully finished script as this is still in development Read more

475 Reviews | 59 Followers
Fine acting, Relevant content, Thought-provoking, Slow at times, Difficult to interpret

See it if you like the challenge of interpreting what a playwright is trying to "say" about human relationships and their strivings to cope with life.

Don't see it if you prefer easily understood themes and motives of the characters and are frustrated with some "slow" portions of a play.

394 Reviews | 34 Followers
Ambitious, Great acting, Thought-provoking, Quirky, Intense

See it if you're a fan of Dan Butler, who brilliantly played Bulldog on Frasier and/or a fan of the very creative Director Erwin Maas.

Don't see it if you only want to see a fully produced play with great staging. Read more

349 Reviews | 57 Followers
Intense, Uneven, Relevant topics unsatisfyingly explored, Cool set

See it if Three hander exploring racism, homophobia & general suspicion of the different among us but also incorporating every urban woe.

Don't see it if Characters confuse own points of view & sometimes shout over each other. Play’s intent somewhat unfocused & not original.

444 Reviews | 89 Followers
Banal, Dizzying, Ambitious, Intense, Indulgent

See it if If you enjoy intense acting . A thin story line with religious overtones.

Don't see it if If you prefer light dramas or musicals.

407 Reviews | 66 Followers
Dizzying, Confusing, Excruciating, Indulgent, Overrated

See it if See comments

Don't see it if See comments Read more

75 Reviews | 24 Followers
Cliched, Disappointing, Slow, Confusing, Banal

See it if you like stories about random encounters that change the trajectories of people's lives, stories about neighbors, small theater spaces

Don't see it if you don't like heavy-handed discussions of race/gender/sexuality; you don't like bad poetry that attempts to be meaningful. Read more

1 Review | 0 Followers
Thought-provoking, Resonant, Great staging, Clever, An interesting but flawed text made powerful by visceral direction & design.

See it if interested in thought-provoking concept & staging that make audiences participants of the created world. Strong direction & design!

Don't see it if merely interested in entertainment & kitchen-sink realism. Script is expositional & wants to explain a lot through unnecessary dialogue. Read more

Critic Reviews (4)
November 10th, 2018

"Occasionally hilarious and absorbing...This realistic premise’s off-beat treatment is reminiscent of Yasmina Reza’s provocative comic manner and the dialogue has the profane snappiness of Mamet. It’s a dense 90-minutes that are often confounding but ultimately rewarding. The minimalist presentation serves the material well...Calvani skillfully spins this out with tension, suspense, symbolism and an alchemical quality that infuses the events with poignant depth."
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Theatre's Leiter Side
November 8th, 2018

"Unfortunately, the play's fuzzy writing, overabundance of topical subjects, and confusing production succeed more in throwing up new barriers than bringing down the old ones…The dialogue exposes us to racism, homophobia, addiction, same-sex marriage...But the characters are so superficial and the treatment…so commonplace they seem like dramatic garnish than matters of serious concern…Given the naturalism of the performances…the non-realistic setting becomes a distraction."
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Off Off Online
November 8th, 2018

“The connections joining the characters are tenuous at best, and the play lacks satirical bite and caustic social commentary. That said, Calvani deserves credit for tackling pressing cultural issues in the U.S. They seem to derive from the perspective of an outsider...The characters and their devotion to one another come across not as simply insensitive but borderline psychopathic...Would have been more effective if it were grounded in the here and now.”
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Plays to See
November 10th, 2018

"From the beginning, the play never really does get off the ground, probably the result of an astonishingly unexceptional script. The dialogue is simplistic and repetitive, and rarely, if ever, do the actors speak in more than three-word phrases...Overall, the play is disappointing and falls well short of its potential. The serious issues it portends to examine remain elusive, its humor is tedious, its dialogue is undistinguished, and its acting is uninspiring."
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