From Foster Care to Fabulous (FringeNYC)
From Foster Care to Fabulous (FringeNYC)
Closed 1h 15m NYC: East Village
79% 6 reviews
(6 Ratings)
Members say
Clever, Thought-provoking, Absorbing, Edgy, Entertaining

About the Show

Part of FringeNYC: In this original musical, Patrick Burns takes on the role of late-night talk show host, detailing his foster care journey with a myriad of side-splitting songs, a plethora of jaw-dropping anecdotes and a cast of horrific, hilarious and heartbreaking characters.

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Critic Reviews (4)

Time Out New York
August 17th, 2016

"Burns's personal stories about foster parents abusing the system are harrowing. But his presentation of this history is deliberately glib...Unfortunately, this dissonance between form and content doesn’t pay off. The talk-show clichés that Burns employs help break up the evening, but they also break up the stories themselves, which lean on antic style instead of painful substance. Not as fabulous as it means to be, the show might be stronger with less showbiz and more sincerity."
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Theatre is Easy
August 14th, 2016

"Burns’ witty and creative portrayal of his journey through foster care in Central California is a refreshing surprise, and—what is more—a hilarious, sincere, and very relevant exposé of a system that does not get much attention in the musical theatre world...His performance is never one-note, and neither are his methods of relaying information. Though Burns’ work does need a bit of fine-tuning...all in all, Burns is onto something good."
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Stage Buddy
August 25th, 2016

"Patrick Burns is a raconteur to be reckoned with…It sounds like a hanky-wringer, but Burns isn't out for sympathy...When broaching darker material, the show never delves deep into self-pity, nor does it read as too saintly of a bootstraps narrative…The evening, briskly directed by Richard Israel, is dynamic and rich in incident and though it's a bit flabby with false-endings, Burns' charm and steady storytelling make the work near-ready for prime time."
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Green Room Reviews
November 17th, 2012
For a previous production

"Burns’ tale is a somewhat horrifying retelling of his tumultuous upbringing. Yet, what’s even more horrifying is that it’s funny. Ranging from delicate, giddy showtunes to explicit rap, this show is not meant to warm the soul; although, it does. It’s not meant for the audience to leave all smiles; although, they did. It’s hard to say exactly what Burns does that keeps this dismal topic so flowery and light. Well, maybe it’s not. The title, after all, contains the word 'fabulous.'"
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