Part of Theater for the New City's 2017 Dream Up Festival: This adaptation of Sophocles' drama presents the tale of Antigone from her point of view.
Read more Show lessSee it if you are interested in absorbing theater, the classics,
Don't see it if you are looking for light, amusing, easy on ideas...
See it if Extra points for amazing feat of memorization. Good acting, but too confusing to equate King Creon and Donald Trump. Sorry.
Don't see it if You seek clarity and logic in theater, and perhaps something accessible. Overlong. .
See it if You enjoy updated Greek tragedies. I found the modern day references a bit jarring, And, don't hit me over the head with trump references.
Don't see it if updated Greek tragedies are not your thing. It can work. it doesn't here.
"There is much talent and intelligence in this production of 'I Am Antigone.' Some of the writing is beautiful, and Nicole Ansari is a strong and convincing Antigone...But this Antigone has a few serious problems. First, it is uneven in tone, to the point of fighting against itself. Director Myriam Cyr often makes inappropriately playful use of the chorus, with cutesy posing and face-making...Second, it gets preachy toward the end...And last, it is just too long, with too much repetition."
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"A powerful new adaptation...The references are so scattered and seemingly random that the reason is lost without more clarity of explanation. Director Myriam Cyr does a fine job orchestrating the chorus and employing basic theatrical tropes to the production’s advantage, but this still reads as a work in progress...There are other issues to be taken with this play, but overall this is an extraordinarily relevant piece, and its strengths outweigh its flaws."
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