In Bed with Roy Cohn
In Bed with Roy Cohn
Closed 1h 30m NYC: Midtown W
61% 3 reviews
(3 Ratings)
Members say
Dated, Cliched, Confusing, Indulgent, Thought-provoking

About the Show

As Roy Cohn, the brilliant attorney with an excessive appetite for men, money and drugs, lies on his deathbed, all the people from his past resurface to render judgment on his life.

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Critic Reviews (9)

New York Theatre Guide
September 3rd, 2015

"Katrin Hilbe’s direction goes to great lengths to salvage this piece. The cast is consistently spot on both as individual characters and as a chorus that both supports and taunts Cohn while he sheds his mortal coil. None of this, however, is enough to cover up the fact that there is no play here. As I said, the actors give it everything they have and then some. They deserve battle pay. At least the rest of us get to leave this behind when we exit the theatre."
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September 2nd, 2015

"Katrin Hilbe directs it all with the precision of a ballet master, the actors leaping across stage, hustling in and out of new costumes...Everything is executed flawlessly, even though not all of it seems necessary. The frenetic onstage activity ranges from dramatically illuminating (a wild night at the disco) to distasteful (Julius Rosenberg doing the electric slide)...Cohn's motivation for all his fevered activity is somewhat obscured by the play's muscular theatricality."
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Theater Pizzazz
September 2nd, 2015

"How many times do we have to be hit over the head with the same points? We get it, let’s move on. There’s one word that sums up this production: frenetic...'In Bed With Roy Cohn' has too much fat, which should be cut, and too little meat, despite the rich vein that could be mined...Yes there is a great play in the life of Roy Cohn, but this isn’t it."
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Theatre Reviews Limited
September 2nd, 2015

"Her play is a more comedic look at the iconic character and is staged with the fractured finesse of a fairy tale mingled with the somewhat hallucinatory trappings of an extended dream ballet. This is a good thing and meets with limited success...'In Bed With Roy Cohn' needs considerable tightening but provides a smorgasbord of light fare that will satisfy the palate of theatregoers not familiar with the antics of Roy Cohn and entertain those who enjoy a quick dose of comedy and farce."
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The Huffington Post
September 2nd, 2015

"Nothing at all illuminating is presented about Cohn during the frenetic action...'In Bed With Roy Cohn' can at the very least be considered one of 2015's absolute worst...Condolences go out to them all. Surely, not a transgression in any of their pasts called for this kind of cruel and unusual punishment."
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Times Square Chronicles
September 3rd, 2015

"This show told nothing new, gave no tangible insights and despite all the stage movement by a very ADD choreographer Lisa Shriver, was beyond boring and seemed never ending. Katrin Hilbe directed this clumsy mess of a show almost in the round, so expect a lot of neck turning."
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Theater In The Now
September 3rd, 2015

"The play was just an assortment of ideas with no rhyme or reason. Roy Cohn’s journey to death may be interesting for a scene. But it’s been done before."
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Manhattan Digest
September 8th, 2015

"A painful 90 minutes...God bless the cast, though. They are doing their best to scoop water from this inevitable Titanic and they all deserve better material...I really thought that 'Doctor Zhivago' would walk off with the prize of being the worst theatrical experience of 2015, but my vote was premature: 'In Bed With Roy Cohn' currently holds that title."
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