See it if you're really into murder mysteries and like straight forward, plot driven, narrative storytelling
Don't see it if you don't like cliched characters that feel like they came out of an old gangster film or find dialogue & acting is more important than plot
See it if Great stuff you guys!
Don't see it if -
See it if you'd enjoy a compelling noir story with lo-fi production and a strong performance from the lead
Don't see it if you hate noir
See it if You like detective thrillers, fast-paced shows, good acting, surprise endings and generally well-written plays!
Don't see it if you don't have patience for a plot-heavy show, if you don't like thrillers, if you are sensitive to gay characters portrayed as villainous.
See it if Interested in mystery/Who-dun-it, relevant to New York City living conditions
Don't see it if Don't want to be feed the conclusion, wanted space to figure out the ending on your own instead of being feed the playwright's personal view
See it if you're looking for some very good actors, and don't mind having to look hard
Don't see it if you have to have a well-written play with a compelling storyline to be able to enjoy your evening.
See it if You like smart writing performed by great actors, with clear intelligent direction
Don't see it if You like conventional theater that doesn't challenge you.
See it if sorry - I just thought it was horrible. between the terrible acting and the ridiculous story - even by Fringe standards it was bad
Don't see it if if you have any other plans, or no plans at all.
"There is much to admire in this fast-paced production. Trumbull delivers a nuanced performance full of humor and charm. Moody projections of the Chicago landscape fill the backdrop as recognizable film noir archetypes push the story along...One quibble: The production’s over-shadowy lighting makes it hard to connect with the characters on stage. Even a show that embraces the noir does not need to keep everyone so literally in the dark."
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"An absurd, heartfelt murder mystery that will draw you in and keep you guessing, even after you leave the theater…It plays off of a lot of noir tropes, and provides a few laughs along the way as characters subvert genre expectations…I walked out vaguely aware that there was something I was supposed to learn from this cautionary tale, but also baffled as to what it was…Definitely worth seeing if you're at all interested in a contemporary twist on one of the oldest kinds of stories."
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"'Off Track' circumlocutes several important issues without raising one deep, rich, enduring question about any of them. This failure on the part of a playwright is unfortunate and unfair not only to an audience but to the show’s actors that have to struggle to make sense of a play...The playwright has chosen to introduce characters he abandons on page and on stage as underdeveloped stock characters without convincing or interesting conflicts."
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