
Perversion NYC Reviews and Tickets

(15 Ratings)
Members say
Confusing, Excruciating, Disappointing, Ambitious, Quirky

About the Show

13th Street Repertory Company presents the world premiere of this allegorical drama about a home invasion. A scathing political satire of the America we lived through and where we still live today.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (15)

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60 Reviews | 9 Followers
Ambitious, Entertaining, Clever, Funny, Quirky

See it if If you enjoy absurdist comedy and have some tolerance for confusion

Don't see it if You prefer straightforward plays and realistic scenarios

122 Reviews | 23 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Funny, Great staging, Great acting

See it if you like comedies

Don't see it if you are not a fan of comedies

116 Reviews | 53 Followers
Ambitious, Excruciating, Confusing, Disappointing, Banal

See it if Like political satire that is not comedy. Have saintly patience to endure dystopian/experimental theater that is usually confusing & boring!

Don't see it if Hate dystopian/experimental theater. Hate drawn out plays that lack focus & editing due to same playwright/director in love with own work. Read more

168 Reviews | 22 Followers
Confusing, Ambitious, Dizzying

See it if if you like a confusing and satirical affirmation of our indifference to world happenings.the play is for you.

Don't see it if if you don't have the have to wait until the second half of the play to get some concrete answers as to what is being conveyed.

168 Reviews | 24 Followers
Confusing, Excruciating, Slow, Relevant

See it if You don't mind being lectured at the end after a boring 2-hour play.

Don't see it if Just don't

133 Reviews | 36 Followers
Confusing, Disappointing, Excruciating, Quirky, Soporific

See it if Theater of the absurd (Pirandello, Ionesco) interests you and you are willing to look past the bad directing, and bad script.

Don't see it if if you want quality on almost any level. Some of the time the acting was good, but the overall feel was very amateurish

205 Reviews | 108 Followers
Confusing, Disappointing, Indulgent, Excruciating

See it if you are desperate for any play that doesn't make much sense nor deals dramatically with nonsense.

Don't see it if want an enjoyable time at the theater with some sense even when dealing with nonsense.

270 Reviews | 36 Followers
Ambitious, Confusing, Disappointing, Dizzying, Overrated

See it if you enjoy a confusing plot that you have to try to make sense of. Enjoy a silly story with crazy stuff happening.

Don't see it if you want a show with a simple story, easy to follow, with continuity. You don't like a silly play with ridiculous things happening Read more

Critic Reviews (4)

Talkin' Broadway
April 1st, 2017

"An ambitious if rambling dystopian satire...There are many inspired moments and examples of smart writing within the play...But these periods of focused lucidity tend to get watered down by a convoluted plot that wanders into more tangents than you'll encounter in an entire semester of a geometry course...It does make for some rough going for an audience trying to absorb the free-flying loose elements of the play, which cries out for trimming and editing to make it more accessible."
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April 8th, 2017

"A tedious melange of the absurdist styles of Genet, Eugène Ionesco, Jules Feiffer and Dr. Seuss...There’s a lot of speechifying and violence, but really no discernible plot. It’s all supposed to be ominous and funny. It isn’t. The play’s ending is just as indecipherable as what came before it. If Blake had shaped the material into a more coherent form, it might have been entertaining, but he hasn’t...The actors cannot be faulted for overplaying their cartoonlike characters."
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Theatre is Easy
April 9th, 2017

"The play is meant as an allegory for the current U.S. government. But for an allegory to work, it must capture our imagination and investment within its own context. This play never earns our investment because we have no idea what any character in the play needs or wants...Theatre of the Absurd should always offer us something to root for...The needs of 'Perversion's' characters are completely unintelligible, and so spending 130 minutes with them becomes something of an exercise."
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Off Off Online
April 6th, 2017

“So wrongheaded on nearly every level...The company, god bless ’em, commit 100%...Characters warble and argue and pontificate endlessly about—well, one is never quite sure…At once leaden and glib, the dialogue constantly ties itself up in Gordian knots of faux profundity, leaving the actors, bless ’em, with little to do but go really, really, big. The result is a show that strains to be 'Waiting for Godot' but ends up 'Waiting for Guffman.'”
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