Say Something Bunny!
Closed 2h 30m
Say Something Bunny!

Say Something Bunny! NYC Reviews and Tickets

(104 Ratings)
Members say
Clever, Absorbing, Ambitious, Entertaining, Refreshing

About the Show

Alison S.M. Kobayashi explores the depths of a 60 year old audio recording in this NYT Critic’s Pick

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95 Reviews | 47 Followers
Absorbing, Ambitious, Clever, Entertaining, Exquisite

See it if you're interested in a historic look back at a family in NY, seen through the eyes of an outsider. Fascinating archeological look at a fam.

Don't see it if you want to miss something that is truly special. Or if you'd be creeped out by this outsider researching people she doesn't know.

559 Reviews | 286 Followers
One of the most unique theatrical experiences i have had, Warm, Intelligent, Moving, Exquisite

See it if you want to have a unique experience in the theatre. Kobayashi investigates a Jewish family in the 1950's, and slowly reveals their history

Don't see it if you don't like intelligent or unusual theatre. Read more

238 Reviews | 174 Followers
Intelligent, Masterful, Must see

See it if You love theatrical brilliance. It is truly a one of a kind experience done with such thought and caring - I was so impressed.

Don't see it if You like linear plays only

76 Reviews | 12 Followers
Fascinating, Original, Intimate, Masterful, Brilliant

See it if You love unique theatrical experiences that pull from different manners of storytelling. Intimate shows are your jam.

Don't see it if You don't like intimate shows, being present, reading, or don't find family histories interesting. You're looking for traditional theatre. Read more

162 Reviews | 72 Followers
Original, Moving, Immersive, Clever, Smart

See it if You love a real discovery. This is off-the-beaten-path and a totally original story told by a very smart actor and writer.

Don't see it if You aren't a fan of solo shows or of immersive content / being a part of the action.

803 Reviews | 253 Followers
Enchanting, Profound, Epic, Clever, Resonant

See it if Delving into two old recordings transports us to the past and celebrates the richness of life. Unique take on family, time and mortality.

Don't see it if You aren't interested in multimedia nonfiction performance art. You don't have the patience for a 2 1/2 hour experience. Read more

235 Reviews | 232 Followers
Ambitious, Entertaining, Riveting, Must see

See it if You delight in watching mysteries unfold right before your eyes. What a fascinating journey! Don't miss this - utterly original, delightful!

Don't see it if You want a traditional theater experience. Having said that, go see this show anyway! You'll be glad you did!

548 Reviews | 1904 Followers
Original, Fascinating, Profound, Refreshing, Clever

See it if You want a completely original performance piece. Like being a part of a live unfolding documentary. So good. So original.

Don't see it if You are looking for a play or musical. This is not that. If you don't like performance shows.

Critic Reviews (16)

The New York Times
January 2nd, 2018

“A suburban family invites the neighbors to dinner...It sounds punishingly ordinary. It is. It is also an out-and-out thrill...Ms. Kobayashi’s tender obsession is as catching as the chickenpox, and if the piece is forthrightly funny and briefly pornographic, it is also sneakily moving...'Say Something Bunny!' is about more than the particulars. It’s a low-key ontological thriller about how we live and what we leave and how we account for ourselves when some kid comes at us with a microphone.”
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Time Out New York
June 3rd, 2017

“The play unspools unhurriedly, leaving space for Kobayashi to make jokes, play short films and highlight points of historical interest. It takes a while for it to sink in that—of course—many of these vibrant people must be long dead. The experience of ‘Say Something Bunny!’ is light, sweet, funny and dear. But Kobayashi’s deep humanism has a way of moving you, even days later. She sifts through the details of strangers’ lives, a prospector who knows that the sand itself is precious.”
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January 31st, 2018

"The personalization of the experience caused the line between performer and spectator to blur to such an extreme degree that I almost forgot where I was. I've never experienced a feeling quite like that before, and it's all thanks to Kobayashi's gentle demeanor and dedication to finding the truth...While you might not have seen theater like this before, once you start listening, you can't get enough of the story that unfolds."
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Lighting & Sound America
July 17th, 2017

"One of the oddest and most captivating entertainments of the new season...Kobayashi's warm, sympathetic presence draws the audience in...Working together, she and her team have conjured -- almost out of thin air -- a one-of-a-kind performance piece that speaks volumes about families, changing times, and middle-class life in America in its post-World War II heyday."
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Theatre is Easy
April 27th, 2018

"Hands down the best theatre experience of the 2017-2018 season...You should just buy a ticket now—any serious theatre-goer needs to see this show. 'Say Something Bunny!' is unlike anything I’ve seen—both daringly experimental and incredibly accessible, it is one of the only times I’ve ever left a show vowing to return...At its core, one of the most enjoyable mysteries I’ve encountered in a very long time...The amount you learn by the end of the evening is astounding."
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Exeunt Magazine
November 27th, 2017

"Kobayashi marshals an ethnographer’s appreciation for cultural and historical context, a genealogist’s relish for placing relations on a family tree, a private investigator’s instincts to follow any lead and connect all the dots, and a storyteller’s flair for filling in the empty spaces. But it also says something about her capacity for empathy. This isn’t just a project to her; it’s a family’s lives she is holding in her hands."
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November 27th, 2017

"The piece is pure genius, unfurling with the the utmost grace, wit, and intelligence (I loved the show’s endless parade of visual and audio gags!). Indeed, the performance I attended exuded whimsical good humor and was a joy to partake in. Technically and aesthetically, the show is a marvel. The amount of detail that went into creating this out-of-the-box experience is nothing short of astonishing...I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it."
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Show Showdown
June 2nd, 2017

“I was particularly taken by ‘Say Something Bunny!’…Not only visually appealing, but it's also gentle, smart, and warm. It simultaneously paints a vivid portrait of a family and brilliantly reflects the artist's obsession with—even love for—said family, which she has partly and painstakingly documented, and partly invented…It is an impressive, extraordinarily well-researched and executed piece, that manages as well to be deeply touching and quite funny…An amazing accomplishment.”
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