See it if You like interesting and unusual visual experiences and don't mind enigmatic characters and an unclear plot.
Don't see it if You can't live without AC or a linear plot. I had to read the notes to understand the point of the show, but I still found it enjoyable.
See it if you want to see a great attempt at something a bit different. The effort is there. Great restaurants in the area.
Don't see it if Something doesn't quite make it for the effort involved. .. Maybe the limited A/C at Irondale was a factor on a quite warm night???
See it if u like impressionistic music and dance drama. Not much is spelled out, so you have to dig for meaning. But that can be fun for some.
Don't see it if You're looking for a straight-forward drama. Even as far as dance/opera/song cycles go, this piece really makes you work for understanding.
See it if You enjoy abstract theater in an interesting but unairconditiined venue. No plot, little dialogue, some good singing, amateurish dancing
Don't see it if You expect a story, plot or even loosely based connection to Marquez novella. I had no idea what I was watching.
See it if ...themes involving Home interest you. Imaginative theatre-dance hybrid; smart yet simple set, projections. Innovative. Beautiful singing
Don't see it if only like traditional plays. Confusing. The gentrification theme did not become clear to me until halfway through.
See it if you enjoy free-form structure and inventive scenic/lighting design
Don't see it if you require a linear narrative or polished technical elements Read more
See it if you like conceptual multi-media visual experiences with an interesting use of sets and sound. Parts of it are visually interesting.
Don't see it if you want to understand the point of the piece. It was hard to grasp the connections between the scenes. I felt a bit lost.
See it if You don't mind not having any idea what is going on in a show.
Don't see it if You like a story or at least a good execution of aniet abstract piece Read more
"Immersion theater at its best...We never worry about the meaning of what is happening before our eyes or hugging our ears. Instead we are swept along...Becker often works with the same artists, and the comforts of collaboration are clearly felt...'Sea of Common Catastrophe' offers the pleasure of single vision, Jeff Becker’s inspired by Marquez. The surprise of the unfamiliar in two actors and chorus add to the moving mix...This show is well worth the trip.”
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“A vivid, experimental production...The text itself is solid and effective yet there is a decided lack of realistic dialogue...Thankfully, ‘Sea’ delivers on various fronts, including solid acting, lovely songs...and nuanced blocking. Were the show merely a display of visual dexterity, it would be memorable...A dynamic evening of non-traditional theater festooned with rich imagery sure to delight the sophisticated theatergoer."
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“An ensemble-generated show...An abstract, figurative work about New Orleans and some of its inhabitants...Performances are assured, and the show is polished...The piece has emotionally resonant moments about soul searching and perseverance. Some scenes seem to be about setting a mood more than telling a story, and the piece can feel too introverted, as in some longer dance scenes and songs. The show is often poetic but also at times elusive.”
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“A beautiful performance piece that moves the mind and heart. It shows not just the horror that so many who were affected by Hurricane Katrina, but a vast array of emotions—and lack of emotions—the natural disaster wrought on New Orleans...The cast's performance and symphonic movement is outstanding. There was one cast member who I was most moved by...Shattuck, who plays Tobias...Every look, every turn, every nuance is tethered to your own heart."
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“As a work of theater, ‘Sea of Common Catastrophe’ might disappoint. There’s no clear plot. The characters interact through song and movement, but not through dialogue. All of this, though, is intentional...It’s a whimsical performance that offers a poetic and sometimes absurd reflection on how to handle what we consider catastrophes...The show is a timely reminder that imagination and collaboration are the best responses."
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