2017 Marathon of One-Act Plays: Series B
2017 Marathon of One-Act Plays: Series B

2017 Marathon of One-Act Plays: Series B NYC Reviews and Tickets

(6 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Entertaining, Delightful, Clever, Funny

About the Show

Ensemble Studio Theatre presents Series B of its 36th annual one-act play marathon, featuring 15 plays presented in three separate lineups. See Series A and Series C.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (6)

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136 Reviews | 35 Followers
Delightful, Clever, Absorbing

See it if you like one-act plays that are well-written, well-acted, and unpretentious.

Don't see it if you don't enjoy one-acts. Read more

442 Reviews | 127 Followers
Entertaining, Great acting, Intelligent, Relevant, Quirky

See it if you are interested in seeing what the new playwrights are doing; you enjoy short glimpses into varied lives (including cat/dog friends).

Don't see it if you want highly polished productions with lots of scenery; you have no interest in supporting upcoming talent; you prefer musicals. Read more

271 Reviews | 66 Followers
Clever, Delightful, Entertaining, Funny, Great acting

See it if you are okay with rapid changes of mood and tone and tastes more than a full meal

Don't see it if You want a deeper plot or character development Read more

541 Reviews | 491 Followers
Inconsistent, Great acting, Ambitious, Engaging

See it if you're excited by the possibility of a diamond in the rough. I particularly enjoyed "Linus & Murray" and "Disney & Fujikawa."

Don't see it if you expect high production value and high quality across the board. This is an ambitious, scrappy way to test out a bunch of new work.

302 Reviews | 87 Followers
Delightful, Great acting, Intelligent, Entertaining, Resonant

See it if enjoy short, innovative theatre, tolerate range of writing quality with good to great acting. Linus/Murray &On the Outs great, Disney good.

Don't see it if you prefer multi-act shows with elaborate sets, large casts or musicals or cannot tolerate some preachy, long soliloquies or any banal ones.

803 Reviews | 253 Followers
Clever, Intense, Funny, Refreshing, Quirky

See it if Five plays 80, 30, 90, 80, 95. 1-slice of life. 2-terrible. 3-cute dog and cat. 4-historical fiction. 5-psycho drama. Good variety

Don't see it if You don't like short one act plays.

Critic Reviews (3)

The New York Times
June 13th, 2017

“The best of this bunch? Leah Nanako Winkler’s ‘Linus and Murray’…RJ Tolan directed these two perfectly cast actors with exquisite feeling and high-precision humor. The ending is devastating…Jeff Biehl and Tiffany Villarin are both excellent in ‘Disney & Fujikawa’…’Down Cleghorn’…The drama, directed by Ralph Peña, feels a bit unfinished and seems mostly a condemnation of the mother’s sexual activity.”
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Front Row Center
June 8th, 2017

"'Down Cleghorn:' The writing is tense, but it doesn’t quite find equivalent emotion in the performances...'Falling Away:' While the writing is taut, the emotional nuances of the text might have been brought forth more effectively by older, more mature actors...'Linus and Murray:' By the middle of the play the dialogue ends up being a touch repetitive...But the performances merit praise...This comedy unexpectedly becomes very poignant...Equally satisfying was 'Disney and Fujikawa.'"
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Stage Buddy
June 6th, 2017

“A miraculous event in theater occurred when I attended the Ensemble Studio Theatre's presentation of their '36th Marathon of One-Act Plays Series B:' Each and every one of the five plays presented was outstanding…As if the entertainment value and compelling written word wasn’t enough to keep me satisfied, each play was beautifully staged and delivered by talented and skilled actors, most of them deserving and worthy of a much higher profile stage.”
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