See it if want to experience something unconventional and immersive
Don't see it if don't like crowded space; don't want to run around for 2-3 hours. Not ADA friendly
See it if You like new experiences of broadway shows. You can walk and run for three hours.
Don't see it if Don’t like to walk lot
See it if When it was over, built on a fomo vibe and it makes you think you missed so much when in reality you didn’t.
Don't see it if It was boring, the whole time was waiting for it to be over. A waste of money to be honest at one point we watched someone organize pillows.
See it if If you don’t mind not entirely knowing what’s going on around you, moving around in packs of people, moving through dark rooms
Don't see it if You don’t want to hear loud noises yelling, strobe lights, nudity, choreographed fights and violence with fake blood (simulated murder)
See it if You enjoy athletic and emotional dance sequences among characters and don’t mind being confused half the time.The performers were superb.
Don't see it if You don’t like athletic interpretive dance or you are expecting something akin to a conventional play. Lots of running up and down stairs Read more
See it if If you're mobile, and want to be active during a show, and like things that are different tha you've seen before.
Don't see it if If you want to sit down for a show, or if you want something similar to what you've seen before, or if you and your +1 can't be separated Read more
See it if you want to see something completely unique
Don't see it if if you have any health issues with your legs and going up and down stairs or are offended by nudity.
See it if you like surprises, but you can be in control
Don't see it if You’re an adult who “claims” to be bored. Stay home and out of our ways!
“Sleep No More” is, in short, a voyeur’s delight, with all the creepy, shameful pleasures that entails. As conceived by Punchdrunk, this tale of regicide taps the same impulses that draw us to Agatha Christie mysteries and sensational tabloids, flavored with the snob appeal of biographies of self-destructive aristocrats."
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"A multitude of searing sights crowd the spectator's gaze at the bedazzling and uncanny theater installation Sleep No More...A true astonishment, turning six warehouse floors into a purgatorial maze that blends images from the Scottish play with ones derived from Hitchcock movies—all liberally doused in a distinctly Stanley Kubrick eau de dislocated menace."
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"What in Hecate’s name is Sleep No More? A dance-theater horror show? A wordless, nonlinear mash-up of Macbeth and the darker psychosexual corners of Hitchcock? A six-story Jazz Age haunted house for grown-ups and anyone who’s ever entertained sick cineast-y fantasies of living inside a Kubrick movie? ’Tis all these, and more besides. It was a lovely evening in hell, one I’ll be recovering from for some time."
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"I felt that the primary impulse was to make theatre matter, to have an over-all emotional effect, in which décor and dance are equal to the dramaturgy, as in eighteenth-century operas...Does this mean that, if one forgets moments of the piece in this doomed party atmosphere, it’s superficial? Yes. Does this mean that the profound role the piece plays in altering one’s consciousness makes it a deep work, too? Yes."
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"Ambition is the fatal flaw in "Macbeth," but it's the key to the success of "Sleep No More," a sensational interactive theater piece inspired by imagery from the Scottish play and Alfred Hitchcock thrillers."
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"This isn’t faddish hipster ephemera. Far from it. Chances are, you’ll walk away from “Sleep No More” obsessing over its myriad details, chewing over your peculiarly intoxicating trip in a way no traditional theatergoing can match. Punchdrunk stakes its art on an ancient, even primitive premise: There is no source of storytelling as powerful as the human body."
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"Bring an open mind, a healthy curiosity, and perhaps a decent working knowledge of Shakespeare's Macbeth, and you will have a fascinating time at Sleep No More, the simply astonishing environmental theater piece now playing in Chelsea. Theatergoers will find themselves wanting to return to the McKittrick time and again to dive into this deliciously eerie experience."
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"There are two distinct parts of 'Sleep No More': the physical production, and the personal experience, and both are apt reasons to attend...'Sleep No More' is full of surprise revelation and poignant moments; what makes it unique for a theatrical piece is both the ability for these moments to come even when actors are nowhere to be seen, and the intense level of absorption that occurs during the experience."
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