Strange Interlude
Closed 6h 0m
Strange Interlude

Strange Interlude NYC Reviews and Tickets

(39 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Masterful, Ambitious, Absorbing, Riveting

About the Show

Transport Group’s radical revival transforms Eugene O’Neill’s Pulitzer Prize-winning, nine-act, five-hour play into a solo piece starring David Greenspan.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (39)

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96 Reviews | 10 Followers
Absorbing, Ambitious, Great acting, Riveting

See it if you like Eugene O'Neill, you like intense emotional dramas that dig deep into characters' psyches.

Don't see it if you are easily confused.

157 Reviews | 63 Followers
Profound, Great acting, Masterful

See it if you want to see a remarkable theater experience with a legendary actor. What an accomplishment! O'Neill as you've never seen or heard him.

Don't see it if you can't stand the thought of sitting in a play for almost six hours. Also, this play can seem like a soap opera but here it works Read more

754 Reviews | 128 Followers
Extraordinary, Absorbing, Great staging, Great acting, Masterful

See it if you want a remarkable theatrical experience unlike anything you have seen. David Greenspan speaks lines as if they are spontaneous comments

Don't see it if you cannot focus on one actor for an hour. The 6 hour performance is broken into hourish long segments. Also lots of audience stair climbing

54 Reviews | 15 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Masterful, Must see

See it if you are a Eugene ONeil fan and wish to see a play not often done. An amazing dramatic accomplishment for this solo artist.

Don't see it if you hate solo works or long dramas of a bygone age. Read more

267 Reviews | 52 Followers
Must see, Great acting, Epic, Ambitious, Masterful

See it if You love amazing solo performances. David Greenspan is a national treasure.

Don't see it if You don't like Eugene O'Neill, 6 hour plays, or extremely crowded seating. Otherwise, go!!

688 Reviews | 116 Followers
Ambitious, Great acting, Slow, Must see, Dated

See it if Greenspan's epic, solo tour-de-force adapt of O'Neill's 6hr soap opera Playing all 8 characters w/both spoken & interior dialogue he's *****

Don't see it if O'Neill's wordy pop psychology can be a tough slog esp moving into last hrs Constant moving via action grows tedious but Greenspan shines!

398 Reviews | 120 Followers
Absorbing, Entertaining, Great acting, Riveting, Thought-provoking

See it if You are challenged by the thought of a 6 hour night. I was very impressed by the skill and talent of David Greenspan.

Don't see it if You don’t enjoy solo shows! Lots of stairs too, but it was good to get up and move after the scenes as the chairs are somewhat uncomfortable

179 Reviews | 92 Followers
Absorbing, Ambitious, Great acting, Masterful, Entertaining

See it if you want to be impressed with an incredible feat of acting that works to delineate the characters and bring them to life as individuals

Don't see it if your mind is prone to wander over a long stretch of listening - even if the performance is engaging Read more

Critic Reviews (10)

The New York Times
October 22nd, 2017

"Greenspan's performance is such a feat of daring that merely getting through it would have been an accomplishment. Yet he is masterful...This production is storytelling at its purest. At once faithful and irreverent, it’s an illuminating interpretation that is alert to the script’s inadvertent comedy and delighted to mine it...Sound is a stubborn obstacle to this delicately modulated performance...Still, his performance is astonishing in its clarity, nuance, and endurance."
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Time Out New York
October 22nd, 2017

"Greenspan makes a nearly impossible play work...By pouring all of 'Interlude' through the filter of a single performer, he strains out the largest flaws...The production recovers the delights of melodrama and becomes a play about the complex way our own fluid identities, and others’ perceptions of us, flow together and alchemize...No one should be able to perform solo for six straight hours with such technical precision, but Greenspan is a freight train."
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New York Magazine / Vulture
October 23rd, 2017

"Is it exhausting? Yes. Is it also utterly hypnotic, intermittently brilliant, and both a proof of O’Neill’s genius and a fascinating framing of his ideological shortcomings? Also, yes. The mad test of endurance that Greenspan has set for himself is no mere gimmick. In fact, it cracks open this unwieldy, expansive, impossible piece in ways that convinced me I never really need to see eight actors performing it."
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October 22nd, 2017

"The theatrical equivalent of an extreme sport, but those willing to brave the butt-busting experience will have bragging rights to what must be one of the most unforgettable acting tours de force in New York's theatrical history...The play's occasionally soap-operatic language is not lost on Greenspan, who treats the material lovingly but knows when to let loose a campy flourish...A masterful production...A unique and remarkable theatrical event."
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Lighting & Sound America
November 9th, 2017

“An extra-large helping of melodrama, heavily sauced with Freudian theory...Greenspan doesn't so much play the text as attack it with all the energy and brio at his command...Greenspan's performance is a technical marvel, but it still leaves one faintly baffled at the woman at the center of the action...One of those eccentric theatrical ventures that will prove irresistible to fans of O'Neill as well as anyone curious about a play...Greenspan certainly puts on a show."
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October 24th, 2017

“Martha Graham called her dancers ‘athletes of God.’ Watching David Greenspan perform all the roles in a six-hour marathon performance of Eugene O'Neill's 1928 melodrama, ‘Strange Interlude,’ caused me to wonder what I might call David Greenspan. Would ‘Son of Thalia’ (the Greek goddess of theater) do? ‘Olympian of O'Neill’? Forget it! David Greenspan is simply a one-of-a-kind theatrical creature who has molded a very special career.”
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October 22nd, 2017

"The things that draw and hold one's attention are Greenspan's facial expressions, which change as though by magic, and his remarkably flexible voice, with its variety of tonal colors...As the performance proceeds, the individual dramatis personae take on impressive intricacy...Greenspan, with his knack for integrating the inner monologues and the rest of the play, may have found the secret for making O'Neill's exercise in Freudian excess palatable to playgoers."
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Theater Pizzazz
October 31st, 2017

“There are moments of astonishing work throughout. But they erupt and, no matter how badly you wish them to stay, quickly dissipate back into a repetitious rhythm...It’s frustrating because Mr. Greenspan is such an immensely talented artist...The play is not perfect and neither is the production. At times 'Strange Interlude' is frustrating and even boring. But the flashes of truth from Mr. Greenspan stay with you. It reminds you of theatre’s potential and the capabilities of a dedicated creative spirit.”
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