The Merchant of Venice (The Secret Theatre)
The Merchant of Venice (The Secret Theatre)
Closed NYC: Queens
86% 7 reviews
(7 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Ambitious, Absorbing, Must see, Funny

About the Show

The Secret Theatre presents Shakespeare's dark comedy about ethnic animosity set in post-World War II Italy.

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Critic Reviews (6)

Theater Pizzazz
September 16th, 2016

"A terrific new production...The Secret Theatre has produced a very compelling 'Merchant of Venice'...Outstanding casting and acting from the principal characters take the play to an entirely different level...Richard Mazda, with his distinctive accent that hearkens a character actor in an English gangster movie, is perhaps one of the best Shylocks (of many) I have ever seen...Don’t miss it. This is as good an independent production of 'Merchant' as one could hope for."
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Stage Buddy
September 17th, 2016

"It is set in post-WWII Italy...This update to the story is handled well, and indeed adds a new dimension, without detracting from the emphasis of the story. This production has put together a generally talented cast...The cast is made up of largely younger performers, the most seasoned and elder statesman of the troupe being the terribly talented Richard Mazda playing Shylock...I have seen him perform far more powerfully in other productions in the past."
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Blog Critics
September 4th, 2016

"The superb new production accepts Shakespeare’s villain at face value, portraying him through Mazda’s scorching performance as a complex, twisted bad guy deserving of both sympathy and despite...Bonilla has set the action in post-World War II Italy...The conceit works, thanks to Bonilla’s fully realized vision and the efforts of a strong cast...Famous passages slide by organically, thus all the more powerfully. The production finds room for the many modes of Shakespearean theatricality."
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Times Ledger
September 9th, 2016

"The real test of contemporary re-imaginings of the Bard lies in how they walk the fine line between the poetry of the language and the complexity of the plot. In this regard, the production succeeds with flying colors. The attempt to deliver the lines with strict Elizabethan pronunciation is done away with, and the relaxed speaking voices of the actors respect the rhythm and beauty of the text while also providing the audience with a clear, involving story line."
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The Queens Courier
September 8th, 2016

"Offering a strong cast and a plea for earthquake-battered Italy, the Secret Theatre's high quality and good intentions are truly 'good business'...Director Albert Bonilla offers highly skilled actors whose characterizations feed the story's ambiguities...Their preference for characterization over politics intentionally leaves the audience with a sense of discomfort. It's the same disquieting feeling that greets us when watching the 6 o'clock news...Bravo indeed!"
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Queens Chronicle
September 8th, 2016

"Although Shylock is set up to be the villain in the story, the hatred and vitriol aimed at him make the viewer feel some sympathy for him...This is done in part by Shakespeare’s writing as well as the portrayal of the character by Richard Mazda. Mazda is able to portray the pain Shylock feels from being treated as a lesser...While the hatred toward Jews takes front and center in Bonilla’s rendition, the subplots are just as expertly played out by the actors on stage."
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