The Nina Variations
The Nina Variations
Closed 1h 15m NYC: Chelsea
65% 7 reviews
(7 Ratings)
Members say
Confusing, Slow, Profound, Absorbing, Ambitious

About the Show

The Bridge Production Group presents ​this funny, fierce, and heartbreaking homage to Anton Chekhov's 'The Seagull.'

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Critic Reviews (2)

Theater In The Now
May 29th, 2017

"A new way to look at Chekhov. Dietz’s text goes beyond the two characters and their content from the source material by exploring contemporary themes...The situation is funny for these characters as their saga never stops. But it stays stagnant in the dramatics...A captivating play to Chekhovian scholars. If the source material or the characters are not to your liking, 'Variations' may feel like a tedious theatrical exercise. Thankfully, this production was anything but."
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June 1st, 2017

"Owen is great as Treplev, making him charming and sympathetic...Stiefel, on the other hand, had a hard time keeping up emotionally with him at the beginning. Good news is she catches up...'The Nina Variations' is a character study that can be satisfying, but challenging at times to sit through...There is little happiness in its running time, and is not really entertaining. Instead, we get an analysis of the human condition...It is not a show I would watch again, but I’m glad I saw it."
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