The Place We Built
Closed 2h 15m
The Place We Built

The Place We Built NYC Reviews and Tickets

(23 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Thought-provoking, Great writing, Edgy, Clever

About the Show

The Flea Theater presents the world premiere of Sarah Gancher's tale of friendship, idealism, and coming-of-age, set in current-day Hungary.

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180 Reviews | 26 Followers
Great writing, Great acting, Resonant, Intelligent, Original

See it if you enjoy theater that is overtly political but doesn't preach about the "right" thing to do, ensemble shows where everyone holds their own

Don't see it if you dislike mixing politics w/ your theater, aren't interested in engaging w/ non-American political settings, or need a well-cushioned seat

72 Reviews | 41 Followers
Thought-provoking, Original, Relevant, Great writing

See it if you like a play that makes you think, appreciate a lively and engaging cast, or question the politics of the world today. It's a winner!

Don't see it if you only like fluffy musicals or are uncomfortable in a small, intimate theater. If you are anyone else....see it!

59 Reviews | 20 Followers
Absorbing, Edgy, Insipid, Relevant, Thought-provoking

See it if You like experimental theatre, you like "downtown theatre," you like political theatre.

Don't see it if You don't like political places, you do not like Jewish history and current Jewish issues, you don't like ensemble theatre.

122 Reviews | 20 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Exquisite, Great acting, Great writing

See it if You enjoy clever stories, immersive staging, beautiful character creation.

Don't see it if You are bored by historical, activism-based themes and people's stories in these contexts.

559 Reviews | 286 Followers
Thought provoking, Intelligent, Absorbing, Confusing, Edgy

See it if you enjoy plays that explore both anti-semitism & authoritarianism in the world today. Great performance by Brendan Dalton.

Don't see it if you don't like characters who are not fully developed. Also, if you don't like seating in uncomfortable chairs. You don't like long plays.

393 Reviews | 101 Followers
Absorbing, Great writing, Great acting, Relevant, Resonant

See it if Future possibile results of the political here & now in the US are a concern. Well written & acted drama of how choices/history can overtake

Don't see it if Serious historical & political drama with tight acting & writing that reflects current US events & issues in this election cycle offends.

163 Reviews | 113 Followers
Clever, Ambitious, Great staging, Original, Relevant

See it if you like a young acting troupe making challenging, non-linear story telling from multiple points of view.

Don't see it if don't like environmental theater flowered with politics and really uncomfortable chairs.

90 Reviews | 37 Followers
Overly long, Thought-provoking, Original, Large ensemble cast, Good intro to historical and present antisemitism

See it if You are interested in political and social implications of modern day antisemetism and authoritarianism; broader implications for the US.

Don't see it if You don't want to be in the midst of loud party scenes, use of puppets to explain history, overly long to get to a rousing finale.

Critic Reviews (11)

The New York Times
May 2nd, 2016

“Collectives often have a dispersive energy, and so, unfortunately, does this show. Giving essentially equal weight to multiple characters and situations, it rarely persuades us to care about any of them...And yet one performance, by Brendan Dalton as a nervous, closeted young musician named Mihaly, is a soulful standout...In those few moments, and a couple of others driven by music, the show pulses with the defiant idealism that we otherwise only hear the characters talk about.”
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Lighting & Sound America
May 9th, 2016

“'The Place We Built' is a big, rangy work, and it's the Flea's good luck that the director, Danya Taymor, has a gift for pointing our attention in the right direction, even when the stage is filled with chaotic activity. The cast is more than up to the task...The script is slightly overlong, and would probably benefit from a larger-scale production, but this is a very solid achievement, an excellent chance to make the acquaintance of an extremely promising playwright.”
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May 6th, 2016

"'The Place We Built' turns out to be more of a theatricalized documentary than a play, however vivid, important, and revelatory its message. The conglomeration of episodes lessens the thrust of the real drama at the expense of exposition. The play is held afloat by its determined, if motley, cast of fierce young actors...Director Danya Taymor did what she could to mold Gancher’s rambling play into a sustained drama and mostly succeeds."
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Theatre Reviews Limited
May 19th, 2016

"A high-energy, politically relevant play…Neither the interviews nor the multitude of flashbacks successfully develop the play’s characters as they define themselves…The cast is uniformly competent and compelling. Danya Taymor’s direction is uneven…The strength of 'The Place We Built' lies in its theme of resistance and transformation…It is this youthful penchant for chasing hope that makes 'The Place We Built' engaging and relevant and worth the visit."
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Theatre's Leiter Side
May 6th, 2016

"My companion...was totally taken by it, declaring it one of the best things he’s seen in months;...I demurred, finding its structure scrambled and diffuse..., and, at two and a half hours, its running time overlong...The manifold perspectives, insufficiently developed characters, fuzziness about who, when, and what, and dilatory dramaturgy made me feel I’d stayed up past my bedtime. And that was before the intermission."
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Times Square Chronicles
April 28th, 2016

“A part of history that I was unfamiliar with and realize we should be paying more attention to...The space is smartly used thanks to director Danya Taymor...This is completely cast by the Bats who are normally so rawly talented, this time they are uneven and out of their comfort zone...The show runs way too long at 2 hours and throws too many issues at us at once without going in depth leaving us to do the research.”
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Theater In The Now
April 26th, 2016

"A politically charged docudrama that is raw, gritty, and purposely intense…This ensemble was stellar at bringing the energy…Gancher’s play isn’t necessarily strong in character so many of the featured players didn’t have much room to explore…Taymor did an impeccable job at bringing history to life in an compelling manner… Not all the pieces fit together, there were some occasional cracks. But no matter what, 'The Place We Built' inspires."
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April 26th, 2016

"The play’s many characters and complex structure teeters on the edge of confusion, but thanks to wily direction by Danya Taymor, it never tips into chaos...It’s a thoughtful and emotional piece of writing and performance, with superbly developed characters and slowly intensifying and gripping action...Thanks to the small space and the powerful writing and talented performers, we become part of their story, and their fight."
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