See it if If you like a show about police, violence. Very good singing.
Don't see it if show has puppets, singing and is all over the place.
See it if you would like to experience a series of individual skits & songs engaging the issue of unwarranted police killings in the US.
Don't see it if you are expecting a play, or a piece that gathers its strength as it proceeds to some kind of climax. Read more
See it if You are unaware, or need to be reminded of the shameful stories of inexcusable police killings in our recent history.
Don't see it if You would like think that art can change the world. Very competent, but not powerful, preaching to the converted as here, doesn't do it.
See it if you'd enjoy a creative re-telling of police killings using puppets, poems, songs, life-size books & props to focus on each victim's last day
Don't see it if you admired Lorca's "Blood Wedding" [1932] because the sad stories of 5 Americans gunned down by cops have little to do with Lorca's play Read more
"Rage runs throughout 'There’s Blood at the Wedding,' and it’s an anger that both energizes and overwhelms this hourlong mixed-media show...Audience members unfamiliar with Lorca’s plot might get lost...Still, even as the piece puts message before stagecraft, its best segments stir emotions, particularly when the script uses the words of those who knew the dead...If the production doesn’t stick in the mind, the cast and musicians help it live in the moment."
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"Packed into Theodora Skipitares's 'There's Blood at the Wedding' are multiple takes on how authorities have abused their powers, too often killing innocent people. By theatricalizing and stylizing their stories, Skipitares zooms past the political and digs deeply into the emotional debris left over after a series of brilliantly staged traumatic scenes."
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"Some of the visuals work much better than others...Yes, certain effects here are arresting, well-conceived, and heart-breaking...But what does 'There’s Blood at the Wedding' have in common with Lorca’s 1932 tragedy 'Bodas de Sangre'? Not much...Taken all together, these near-misses illustrate the hazards of justifying what might sound amazing on a grant application versus the challenge of presenting it successfully to a live audience."
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