This is the Royal Court at its best, giving us an uncompromisingly honest account of multicultural modern Britain...What is especially heartening is Bhatti’s ability to convey the complexity of all her characters.'
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...for a piece that does so much to unpack stereotypes, the supporting characters... feel undercooked... It’s a shame as the play really crackles in places.'
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Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti's show is a pressure cooker that no one realises they are in, a powerful exposé of the prejudices running through today's society.'
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Makes you scrutinise your prejudices and laugh out loud...All this would make for a pretty bleak evening if the performances weren’t so shiningly good, and Bhatti’s writing so sharp and witty.'
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An eviscerating, mordantly funny and desperately sad dissection of the pressures and prejudices that divide multicultural Britain...It’s superbly acted and ferociously gripping.'
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Button-pushing new drama about race and class...the performances in Michael Buffong’s production mostly imbue the play with a natural, relatable air, even if some dialogue feels pretty on the nose.'
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Bhatti’s writing is often very witty...But when it drills into deeper issues, it can feel like a set of mouthpieces parroting political points at each other.'
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Family tragedy is emotionally powerful but incomplete and unsatisfying...At its best, this is an empathetic study of the corrosive effects of racism.'
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