Groundhog Day
Closed 2h 15m
Groundhog Day
(157 Ratings)
Members say
Clever, Entertaining, Funny, Delightful, Great staging

About the Show

Andy Karl reprises his role in this Olivier Award-winning musical that returns to London after 7 years.

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Critic Reviews (12)

The London Evening Standard
June 9th, 2023

“Sublimely witty and surprisingly profound, it’s a pleasure to experience this new, improved musical version of ‘Groundhog Day’ again...I rarely want to see a production more than once. I’d happily watch this one a third time. Maybe a fourth, a fifth…”
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The Guardian (UK)
June 9th, 2023

"It is guaranteed entertainment and will no doubt get bums on seats. A comfy pair of slippers then, but ones we enjoy slipping into."
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The Telegraph (UK)
June 9th, 2023

"Amid a cast (and mise-en-scène) that operate like clockwork, cheerleader pom-poms should be raised the highest to salute Tanisha Spring’s endearingly puzzled, empathetic and strong-voiced producer Rita (the Andie MacDowell role)...And this playful, profound show is the real deal, too. I worried I was OTT in my praise last time, but it’s one for the ages."
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The Times (UK)
June 9th, 2023

“Lizzi Gee’s choreography is slick but soulful, while Hugh Vanstone’s lighting adds to the other-worldly aura. You really don’t want to leave this enchanted town.”
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June 9th, 2023

“Where the stage version differs most strongly from the film is that Rita isn’t just the girl he loves, but a woman with agency and wisdom, who helps him find humility and reclaim his humanity. That’s what makes ‘Groundhog Day’ such an enjoyable show: it earns its happy ending, which unfolds with grace and a sense of wonder. It is, literally, marvellous.”
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London Theatre
June 9th, 2023

“If any show was tailor-made for repeat viewings, it’s ‘Groundhog Day.’ It’s not just the inspired time-loop premise of Danny Rubin’s tale...but the extraordinary intricacy of both writing and staging, which mean that each encounter with it reveals new wonders. This fresh run proves once again that the production is a timeless triumph.”
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The Stage (UK)
June 9th, 2023

“It’s a show that repeatedly, and impishly, wrongfoots its audience, forcing us to gaze into the abyss of futility and despair before blindsiding us with a glimmer of tantalising possibility or a warming spark of connection.”
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Time Out London
June 9th, 2023

" ‘Groundhog Day’ is a surprisingly profound exploration of how to live a good life by appreciating the wonder and specialness in the everyday."
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