Bleak Expectations (West End)
Closed 2h 15m
Bleak Expectations (West End)
(73 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Funny, Clever, Delightful, Hilarious

About the Show

A comedic take on Dickens' 'Great Expectations', starring a rolling roster of celebrity guest stars!

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Critic Reviews (11)

May 19th, 2023

"There is lots to enjoy here; the constant silliness means there nothing serious in the show, but that is exactly the point."
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The Telegraph (UK)
May 22nd, 2023

"Evans’ send-up of [Dickens’] classic… is so informed and quick-witted it doesn’t just fly the flag for intelligent parodies it salutes Dickens’ genius. English eccentricity at its madcap best."
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London Theatre
May 25th, 2023

"Even comic exaggeration wears out its welcome if it isn’t anchored in some kind of truth. However, the script made some nods in that direction, like the running commentary on the subjugation of women as they protest for their right to vote...I loved the nod toward Victorian-era repression with the statement that a bride can die from the shock of physical contact with a man"
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The Times (UK)
May 18th, 2023

" 'Bleak Expectations' could let itself off the leash more. Still, Evans knows how to turn running gags into plot elements and vice versa — whatever that anvil prop cost, it was worth it...I just couldn’t help wishing it had come a good half-hour sooner."
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May 19th, 2023

"[The play's] tropes ... get stretched to the point of translucence, and it all lacks a little cohesion. It’s like feasting on canapes – periodically delightful, but not exactly filling."
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All That Dazzles (UK)
May 19th, 2023

"Often very funny but showing signs of strain in its change of mediums, 'Bleak Expectations' still managed to provide an enjoyable evening at the theatre, and often had me thinking it was completely stupid – a compliment, with this kind of show."
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The Guardian (UK)
May 18th, 2023

"It’s that kind of show, with nothing new to say about our Victorian past (far less the present), and lots of funny ways of saying it."
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Lost in Theatreland (UK)
May 19th, 2023

"Whilst the concept is great, the show is more amusing than riotously funny, and the absence of great comedy means the lack of plot is only highlighted. The script could be made much more complex and wittier, but in its current form, it instead induces giggles rather than hysterics. Unfortunately, 'Bleak Expectations' is not the best of times or the worst of times - it’s just an okay time."
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