
UNBELIEVABLE (West End) London Reviews and Tickets

(68 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Clever, Absorbing, Disappointing, Enchanting

About the Show

Derren Brown presents a new magic show featuring a company of magicians, actors & musicians.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (40)

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52 Reviews | 7 Followers
Magical, Unbelievable, Amazing, Entertaining, Clever

See it if I don't know where to start and all I can say is you really need to see this show, as you will not believe your eyes and go home wondering

Don't see it if If you don't like slight of hand and magic you will not enjoy this show

229 Reviews | 42 Followers
Thought-provoking, Intelligent, Great staging, Entertaining, Absorbing

See it if you love a great spectacle that at moments will confuse you

Don't see it if your expecting a typical Derren show

224 Reviews | 75 Followers
Aptly titled magic show

See it if You love to be amazed. I have no idea how they pulled off most of their stunts, some of which are truly flabbergasting.

Don't see it if You hate audience participation (although no one is put in embarrassing situations).

185 Reviews | 20 Followers
Exquisite, Enchanting, Delightful, Entertaining, Absorbing

See it if You like magic coz unlike other performing arts, it's either a hit or miss! Some acts may not be quite unbelievable but pretty entertaining!

Don't see it if You are a Grinch when it comes to knowing how some of it works and can't have fun! Also, it's more of a cabaret/cruise style with jazz music

71 Reviews | 6 Followers
Must see, Intelligent, Funny, Entertaining, Clever

See it if If you like mentalist magic on a show

Don't see it if If you don't like magicians playing with your mind, And you expect Derren Brown

627 Reviews | 110 Followers
Great cast, Underachieving, Indulgent, Disappointing, Overrated

See it if you would enjoy a great of performers in a pretty underwhelming “magic” show.

Don't see it if you’d hate that you can fairly easily decipher how most of the tricks are done. There were only 2 in the show that I’d call unbelievable.

56 Reviews | 4 Followers
Disappointing, Dated, Cliched, Entertaining

See it if you like cabaret style magic shows with predictable tricks.

Don't see it if you are expecting a classy, high-end Derren Brown show.

48 Reviews | 4 Followers
Thought-provoking, Masterful, Intelligent, Great writing, Absorbing

See it if You like magic and music, and are a "believer" As a sceptic I was trying to find holes in the illusions, but when ever I thought it had...

Don't see it if You don't like magic 🤷🏼

Critic Reviews (13)

September 27th, 2023

“There is clearly an incredible amount of talent in the cast; with no real leading roles, many are given an opportunity to show off their skills, celebrating traditional methods of sleight of hand, mind-reading and illusion.”
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The Times (UK)
September 27th, 2023

“Brown’s aura hovers over this evening like a sliver of old-school Victorian ectoplasm as a troupe of actors and musicians lead us through a series of routines that are agreeable enough but ultimately leave you feeling you have just watched a cruise show entertainment rather than a fully fledged West End spectacle.”
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London Theatre
October 4th, 2023

“Derren Brown is passing the baton and also widening his reach. That’s an immediate explanation for his latest West End show ’Unbelievable’, in which the superstar mentalist proves that his gasp-inducing assemblage of tricks can indeed be taught.”
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The Stage (UK)
September 27th, 2023

“Derren Brown is heavily associated with it in its publicity...But it was conceived by O’Connor, and Brown doesn’t appear. It feels as if he is there in spirit, at times – you hear the cadences of his speech in the performers’ patter, a hint of his blend of gentleness, teasing wit and mesmeric authority. Yet without him, the evening lacks unity, personality and tension.”
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September 27th, 2023

“There’s probably enough humour, glitz and moments of sheer wonder here to make audiences feel like they’ve got their money’s worth. Meandering but entertaining, and, I suspect, a solid commercial hit.”
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All That Dazzles (UK)
September 28th, 2023

“ ‘Unbelievable’ is a great show in itself - the way it attempts to do something new with the genre and bring different elements in is admirable and works for the most part. However, at times not all of these ideas paid off as seamlessly as hoped, leaving a show that can be wildly inconsistent.”
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Time Out London
September 27th, 2023

“What ‘Unbelievable’ really needs is a presence like [Derren Brown's] on stage; a ringmaster, someone with that overwhelming charisma to make us believe that what we’re seeing really is unbelievable.”
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The Arts Desk
September 29th, 2023

“ ‘Unbelievable’ is an entertaining night out, but it is what it is, actors playing the roles of magicians, presenting exteriors to fool us once with the illusion and once again with their acting. For some, that will be enough; others will crave that edge of otherness, that tang of danger in the air that one only gets from a seasoned practitioner, like, well, Derren Brown. ” 
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