A Streetcar Named Desire
Closed 3h 15m
A Streetcar Named Desire

A Streetcar Named Desire NYC Reviews and Tickets

(174 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Absorbing, Great staging, Intense, Ambitious

About the Show

St. Ann’s Warehouse presents Young Vic & Joshua Andrews co-production of the Tennessee Williams classic, starring Gillian Anderson and Ben Foster.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (174)

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170 Reviews | 36 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Great writing, Great staging, Masterful

See it if You want to be engaged in a fresh approach to a classic that shows what great acting and direction is

Don't see it if You don't like heavy dramas

104 Reviews | 11 Followers
Exquisite, Great acting, Great staging, Great writing, Riveting

See it if You've never seen streetcar or only know the Marlin Brando version. Incredible and original staging in the new st Anne's warehouse.

Don't see it if If you don't like intense drama, dislike Tennessee Williams or are looking for the screen version with brando

94 Reviews | 37 Followers
Must see, Refreshing, Dizzying, Great acting, Great staging

See it if you want to see a new spin (literally) on an old classic, in a masterful MUST SEE refreshing take. W brilliant takes on classic roles by all

Don't see it if you hate theatre. Or life.

153 Reviews | 42 Followers
Great acting, Great staging, Must see, Great writing, Clever

See it if Just see! It's amazing. You will never forget this experience.

Don't see it if You don't want to be one step to cry.

418 Reviews | 190 Followers
Great acting, Great staging, Riveting, Intense, Edgy

See it if You love great performances. Young Vic led by Gillian Anderson/Ben Foster takes a classic drama into a new dimension Incredible to watch!!!!

Don't see it if You expect the X-Files or action heroes. Hate to be captivated or sit still for 3 hours in a hushed theatre Love happy endings

137 Reviews | 122 Followers
Masterful, Must see, Riveting, Tour-de-force performances, Completely reimagined

See it if you like seeing a classic brought into modern times; you love transformative acting (Gillian Anderson....WOW); you are ready to be STUNNED

Don't see it if you are attached to a previous 'Desire' version already; you don't have the patience for 3.5 hours (though they fly); you hate rotating sets

87 Reviews | 78 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Great staging, Intense, Riveting

See it if you want to see a great rendition of a classic. The staging here is amazing. the technical aspects are stellar and Anderson is enthralling.

Don't see it if you don't like long shows or very loud noises.

64 Reviews | 36 Followers
Absorbing, Dizzying, Great acting, Resonant, Riveting

See it if You want to see Gillian in a transformative performance.

Don't see it if You'll get dizzy with a moving stsge

Critic Reviews (31)

The New York Times
May 1st, 2016

"This brave new 'Streetcar' takes a lot of risks, yet most of them pay off...Such an interpretation largely strips 'Streetcar' of its poetry. And there were certainly moments when I missed that poetry. But I was also willing to trade the delicate lyricism for genuinely original insights...This unusually dynamic 'Streetcar' plays more on our nervous system than with our hearts. But when Blanche finally goes down for the count, it’s impossible not to feel a choking rush of compassion."
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Time Out New York
May 1st, 2016

"There’s a fiery revival of Tennessee Williams’s great drama buried under the truckload of 1990s regietheater clichés that Benedict Andrews dumps all over...Andrews once more apes experimental staging tactics you find in productions from Thomas Ostermeier or Ivo van Hove—minus the intellectual or emotional engagement...Anderson’s Blanche and Ben Foster’s Stanley strike sparks, but they’re quenched under cold design and drafty, portentous pauses."
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New York Magazine / Vulture
May 1st, 2016

"Everything in Andrews’s fascinating yet too-often-unaffecting interpretation aims big but in fact points toward smaller ways of understanding the play...The play is so phenomenally well written that there is much to gain from even an everted, objet d’art presentation like this one...Still, the production is too indulgent in sweeping away the implications of its choices, beginning with its stars."
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New York Daily News
May 1st, 2016

"Anderson's star turn in 'A Streetcar Named Desire' is a mixed bag. So is the revival of the 70-year-old drama...Her overripe posturing and fresh-from-the plantation drawl feel out of place in a production so contemporary that you could call it 'A Streetcar Named Ikea'...The impulse to ask audiences to pay attention and shift perspective on a well-known work is a good one by Benedict Andrews, even if it isn’t terribly enlightening."
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The Hollywood Reporter
May 1st, 2016

"Whatever the virtues and follies of director Benedict Andrews' self-consciously radical in-the-round regietheater staging, it gives us an incandescent Blanche...And in a production in which the actors' work is more consistently persuasive than the conceptual choices, it also gives us Ben Foster's distinctive Stanley Kowalski, a physically and psychologically considered characterization that sidesteps the long shadow of Marlon Brando."
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New York Post
May 3rd, 2016

"If only this London import were better...Anderson and co-star Ben Foster have little to no erotic rapport. There’s a reason this play isn’t titled 'A Streetcar Named Class War'...As for Benedict Andrews’ production as a whole, it’s often maddening, and not in a good way...Pop music, a high-tech white set, Blanche’s Vuitton bag: The show displays all the signs of contemporary theatrical coolness. Yet there’s little gut underneath that hip surface."
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Entertainment Weekly
May 1st, 2016

"Foster, who seems to have mixed Cross Fit with Häagen-Dazs in his prep for Stanley, unselfishly resists the charismatic impulses of the part, playing him more as a banal slob. And that allows the transcendence and meaning of Anderson’s performance as Blanche to dominate...Anderson’s Blanche DuBois is such a real creation...And the sonic thunder of applause that comes from the audience should leave her no doubt, now or ever again, that she can always rely on the kindness of strangers.”
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AM New York
May 1st, 2016

"It’s hard to endure the nonstop motion for 3½ hours. After a while, it comes off as an unnecessary gimmick...That aside, this is a great production. The play works unexpectedly well set in the present day and without the traditional Southern Gothic look...Anderson gives a wholly complete performance as Blanche that depicts the tragic character in all of her mental and emotional extremes."
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