
Bromance NYC Reviews and Tickets

(10 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Delightful, Slow, Funny, Ambitious

About the Show

The New Victory Theater presents this work from the Barely Methodical Troupe that celebrates male friendship through acrobatics.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (10)

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198 Reviews | 224 Followers
Entertaining, Beautiful, Athletic, Fun

See it if you enjoy entertainment ala "7 Fingers." This just three guys performing acrobatics for with minimal subtext.

Don't see it if you're expecting a full Cirque du Sole evening. One the other hand these three work the entire hour and not just 10 minutes.

509 Reviews | 338 Followers
Absorbing, Incredible acrobatics, A little slow between acrobatics, Hard to believe they can do these things!, Ambitious

See it if You want to see incredible feats of acrobatics. Very charming.

Don't see it if You want a traditional play with a plot. This is a 50 minute acrobatics show.

461 Reviews | 98 Followers
Ambitious, Delightful, Enchanting, Entertaining, Intelligent

See it if You enjoy well made circus shows that are a little light on the acrobatic elements. Great story about toxic masculinity and friendship

Don't see it if You are looking for a pure acrobatics/circus show. This has far fewer acrobatics than I was hoping for.

812 Reviews | 133 Followers
Clever, Entertaining, Funny, Quirky

See it if you want to see an entertaining show for children that adults will also enjoy. An interesting combination of acrobatics and comedy.

Don't see it if you do not like acrobatics or comedy. Very simple set and few props. It's basically the three guys.

252 Reviews | 61 Followers
Clever, Delightful, Entertaining, Quirky

See it if You want to see 3 guys perform acrobatics, you can understand "beomance", if you have kids that like antics and acrobats.

Don't see it if You don't like acrobats, expect a Broadway show, are closed minded, don't like antics and fun in stage. Read more

200 Reviews | 41 Followers
Delightful, Entertaining, Great staging, Masterful

See it if A fun kid's show with great acrobatics running for an hour.

Don't see it if The audience is mainly children and, yet I was entertained throughout the entire hour by three were engaging young men.

176 Reviews | 41 Followers
Slow, Mostly kids in the audience, Cute, Simple, Funny

See it if Great acrobatics with slow gaps in between. Cute but has no anker. Needs a better set, stronger choice of music and more charisma...

Don't see it if it’s mostly kids in the audience but this is not really a children’s show. Needs a professionally done set, choice of music and ambience.

83 Reviews | 57 Followers
Ambitious, Slow, Racy

See it if you like 60 min kiddie shows. Show was about male friendship with a little acrobatics added. The little bit of acrobatics was impressive.

Don't see it if don't enjoy racy kiddie shows that are a little slow. This show would have been much much better had there been MORE acrobatics. Read more

Critic Reviews (9)

February 13th, 2018

"Kay keeps the show lively by alternating laugh-inducing tomfoolery...with impressively choreographed stunt routines backed up by eclectic music selections...Whether Barely Methodical Troupe effectively dismantles some of the stereotypes surrounding masculinity with their touch-intensive show is up for debate...'Bromance' makes a good entry point for parents who want to broach the topic with kids ages 7 and up...'Bromance' gets our wheels turning."
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Off Off Online
February 16th, 2018

"The Barely Methodical troupe works together seamlessly on the physical elements, but they need some fine-tuning for the few speaking moments. Sometimes their voices fail to carry, and it is difficult to understand them. Their storyline is also puzzling...Overall, though, Barely Methodical meshes its content with its form...The team performs extraordinary human feats of balance, agility, and motor coordination. Their show merits artistic mastery and precision of execution."
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The Mama Maven
February 13th, 2018

"A show about male friendship. But it is, in fact, a modern circus...The three performers use movement to convey a story about friendship and relationships between friends. They use acrobatics, modern dance, and parkour, among other forms of movement, plus a Cyr wheel (which is the highlight of the show). The acrobatics are very impressive, the dancing is really well-done, and I loved that they incorporate humor into their acts...The show is very entertaining."
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The Guardian (UK)
August 22nd, 2014
For a previous production

"A very neat blend of physical heroics combined with something more vulnerable...There are passages here when content and form are indeed in perfect harmony. Sometimes it feels a little over-padded, but there are some good moments...It would be nice to see this being developed further...These lads are slightly selling themselves short, because the show is at its best when it is not revealing flesh but trying to employ circus to reveal what it feels like to be a male today."
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Time Out London
August 3rd, 2015
For a previous production

"Does three make a crowd? The company riff on that possibility in this high-fun, low-key piece, which mixes goofy clowning and pared-back-but-astonishing circus skills...They work hand-to-hand, body to body twisting and turning with grace, agility, and much humor...But it’s the whole package that makes ‘Bromance’ one of the most charming circus shows. They are the stupid but sweet guys you knew at school...except here they are genuinely entertaining."
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edfringe review
August 9th, 2015
For a previous production

"This spectacle began with a demonstration of awkward handshakes and sporadic silences designed to produce the awkward vibe which the three performers seemed to thrive upon...The initially awkward, schoolboy silences were soon filled by what can only be described as a superb display of strength, trust, and unity...Not only was the physical power and revelation of a talented and brotherly romance touching but this group of sculpted men gave a more than memorable finale."
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edfringe review
August 9th, 2015
For a previous production

"Even if physical theatre is not your thing, I implore you to go! It’s shocking, witty, and often beautiful to watch...Once it hits its stride it’s impossible to take your eyes away from. I found myself gasping regularly...There was little about the show that wasn’t visually stunning. The fluidity of the routines involving all three performers was a joy to behold. The group had real chemistry...'Bromance' is also surprisingly emotional."
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Steve Stratford Reviews Blogspot
February 2nd, 2017
For a previous production

"A fascinating study on the different types of male relationships, and what restricts and enhances them, told through the medium of physical theatre such as circus, parkour, and mime...A thoughtful, if sometimes roughly paced, hour of entertainment…Experimental circus theatre at its most intelligent. The quieter, more introspective moments are well observed and give the overall show more of a comedic twist than might be expected."
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