"While 'Chokehold' most decidedly delivers a powerful message about racism in America, it equally focuses on issues of ethics, morality, and the nature of cold-blooded vengeance...This taut, 70-minute drama, so well acted under Tim Cusack's fine-tuned direction, eloquently captures the sense of unmitigated sorrow and helplessness that has gripped so many in this country, as day after day we witness the continuing racial strife and unfulfilled promises that haunt our history as a nation."
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"This ensemble of six incredibly talented actors immediately creates a world of high-stakes tension...'Chokehold' is packed with twists and breathtaking moments, but overall provides a refreshing, honest look at a conversation ongoing since the summer of 2014...'Chokehold' packs just enough of this topical punch with nuanced character backstories and delicious moments of comedy to leave the audience feeling not overwhelmed, but determined to get down to business."
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"Playwright Pennino’s characters are anything but one-sided in this issue. Delivered through a wise series of dialogue and back-to-back monologues, the affirmations and self-doubts swirl around the stage in an all-too-human fashion...Given the controversy of the topic, 'Chokehold' takes a multifaceted issue and puts it on display with as much fairness as is allowable at this point. Respectful, cool, and riveting, it provides the bipartisan discussion we so sorely need."
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"Its reliance on outdated stock character and its lack of authenticity end up hurting a powerful concept...What we end up getting is a play trying too hard to be important, but not giving us any reason for it to be...The power of the plot is sucked away by a string of half-done moments...I felt drained and disappointed because this could have been a very important play, but it wasn’t...While there are good performances in the show, there’s not much I can recommend."
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"No matter your beliefs, 'Chokehold' is a remarkable view inside the lives of people readily affected by this painstaking issue who are out to make a difference...The director, Tim Cusack, should be commended for taking such a huge issue in our country and still finding the humor in the text, in the actors and the beauty in each character's story...Overall, 'Chokehold' had everyone on the edge of their seats. This show is funny, provocative, honest and gut-wrenching all in one."
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"'Chokehold' is a provocative topical piece about racial injustice and the reactionary frame of mind...Pennino’s script is unafraid of causing a reaction and getting the audience to emote...The characters had depth and stories that were genuine and honest. Pennino allows right and wrong to play out in a fantastically dramatic fashion...The material is heavy...And the ensemble did an astounding job bringing truth to the stage...It’s a must-see."
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