Nina Conti: In Your Face
Nina Conti: In Your Face

Nina Conti: In Your Face NYC Reviews and Tickets

(7 Ratings)
Members say
Clever, Funny, Entertaining, Hilarious, Delightful

About the Show

The Barrow Street Theatre presents Nina Conti's solo show, in which she brings her edgy flair and original touch to the classic art form of ventriloquism.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (7)

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448 Reviews | 89 Followers
Clever, Delightful, Entertaining, Funny, Masterful

See it if You are needing a night of laughs and silliness. Appreciate amazing wit and skillful ventriloquism. Love improvisation.

Don't see it if You are not a fan of one person shows. Are afraid on monkey šŸµ puppets.

80 Reviews | 26 Followers
Impressive, Entertaining, Hilarious, Fast-paced

See it if you'd like a hilarious comedy show that also happens to involve a super-impressive skill, Nina's ventriloquism.

Don't see it if you're nervous about audience participation, or think that ventriloquism is just a gimmick. Read more

181 Reviews | 39 Followers
Clever, Delightful, Funny, Refreshing, Entertaining

See it if You want to catch a British ventriloquist at the top of her game-charming & funny. Uses audience as her own puppets thru masks placed them~

Don't see it if May be too cute, or are looking for a number of people onstage-it's a one woman show. She's also a great comedienne & v funny off the cuff~

1172 Reviews | 390 Followers
Masterful, Funny, Fluffy, Uplifting, Unusual

See it if you like to laugh. NC is skillful, funny. Superior parts were scripted and Monkey "alone." Time moved swiftly, except for human puppets.

Don't see it if you're impatient w/improv. Some was brilliant, but not all. The sum of the evening is fluff. Still NC is a force of nature. Read more

35 Reviews | 9 Followers
Clever, Funny, Hilarious

See it if -you can suspend all your biases about ventriloquists -enjoy spontaneous action -you've seen her youtube and it looks like fun

Don't see it if - expect something normal or predictable

9 Reviews | 4 Followers
Clever, Hilarious, Must see

See it if you like a completely fresh take on stand up comedy & ventriloquism.

Don't see it if you have thin skin, a massive ego and no sense of humor.

2 Reviews | 3 Followers
Clever, Hilarious, Entertaining, Funny

See it if you like to laugh!! This was 70 minutes of non-stop fun!

Don't see it if don't like to laugh.

Critic Reviews (14)

Theater Pizzazz
December 14th, 2016

"During Nina Contiā€™s magical production, one becomes entranced by the measure of her phenomenal ventriloquism which is nonpareilā€¦Conti in her New York premiere is flashy, edgy, explosive, daring, ahead of the ventriloquism curve, mind-blowing, singular, jarring, hysterical, shimmering, ironic, iconic and a spinning whirligig of fun. You will miss an exceptional evening (or two or three for each night is unique) if you let this production slip by without seeing it."
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Front Row Center
December 16th, 2016

"Unlike ventriloquists of yore who did ba-DUM-bum jokes, Ninaā€™s an uncensored riffer. With the help of Monkey, she gets to be naughty and nice at the same time...Itā€™s a dichotomy that works stunningly well and keeps both the audience and the performer in stitches. Laughter is infectious...Iā€™ve seen other shows with 'improvised' bits before. But Nina Conti is something else entirely...Masterful and side-splitting."
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Broadway Blog
December 19th, 2016

"Although it appears to be completely effortless, she works hard to turn the pejorative profession around and succeeds with flying colors...Never before has a nylon hand puppet been so simultaneously creepy and hilarious...Conti astonishes with her dexterity, both physically and vocally...Though derisive on the surface, she clearly enjoys laughing with her audience rather than at them and the result is a win/win situation...A quick but incredibly worthwhile night of entertainment."
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NY Theatre Guide
December 16th, 2016

"Conti will make you literally laugh your face off with her combination of voice throwing, improvisation, and mask manipulation. You are not going to see anything like this for agesā€¦Itā€™s an early holiday season giftā€¦Nina Conti arrives on stage with enough inner sunshine to light up the 50,000 lights on the 94-foot Norway Spruce at Rockefeller Centerā€¦Thereā€™s no script, only a skill set that leaves you in awe."
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Times Square Chronicles
December 21st, 2016

"Not only is Conti a brilliantly skilled ventriloquist and voice thrower, but she is able to improv and riff in different languages and dialects, creating vivid and varied characters...Conti has brilliantly imagined scenarios for herself and her monkey who is controlled by her...This mostly improvised show is true mastery and different every night...Conti is lovely and gracious enough to share the stage, creating a personal atmosphere that leaves the audience feeling like they are old friends."
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August 13th, 2016
For a previous production

"She asks a girl from the front row onstage and attaches a mask to her face. The mask is operated with a pump so that Conti can move the mouth in time with the voice that she has given the girl. The participation is playful, absolutely hilarious and never meanā€¦'In Your Faceā€™ is such a clever and inventive show. While the ventriloquism is what makes it really unique, Nina Conti also boasts excellent improvisation skills. Not to be missed!"
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The Guardian (UK)
March 1st, 2016
For a previous production

"It helps that sheā€™s thrown out most of the baggage that accrued to this once-naff art form: the creepiness, the stiffness, the tragic co-dependency. Handy, too, that sheā€™s filled the breach with sass and straight-talk, alongside tonal variety and a ruthless self-awareness. More than that, Conti restlessly pushes at what can be done with her vocal skillā€¦Conti just picks up on her volunteersā€™ body language and, before you know it, personalities develop and scenarios unfold."
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The London Evening Standard
November 28th, 2016
For a previous production

"'In Your Faceā€™ is a frequently mind-blowing mix of script and improvisationā€¦.The real magic is when Conti invites audience members up and transforms them into human dummies with the aid of masks that she operates. It is an old trick, but one that Conti executes with finesse, expertly orchestrating the cartoonish chaosā€¦If you want sheer escapist entertainment this fits the bill. You will see nothing like it onstage this year."
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