Rare Birds

Rare Birds NYC Reviews and Tickets

(35 Ratings)
Members say
Relevant, Great acting, Absorbing, Thought-provoking, Intense

About the Show

The Red Fern Theatre Company presents the world premiere of this drama about adolescent violence and the perils of love. 

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Show-Score Member Reviews (35)

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95 Reviews | 18 Followers
Great acting, Resonant, Relevant, Intense

See it if you enjoyed Dear Evan Hansen. Similar topics and great acting.

Don't see it if you don't want to watch a heavy show with serious topics.

181 Reviews | 39 Followers
Topical, Great writing, Resonant, Absorbing, Intelligent

See it if Constantly rang true play about bullying. No loose ends. Quirky kid who loves birds but can't (& doesn't want to) fit in. Painfully true~

Don't see it if Some uneven acting & a few questionable ommissions to the story. At times this play will make you uncomfortable because bullying is so real~

80 Reviews | 18 Followers
Funny, Relevant, Intense, Charming, Realistic

See it if you want to see a solid new play with realistically portrayed teens that addresses bullying, and owning who you are & the things you love.

Don't see it if you would be made too uncomfortable by the depictions of bullying and violence (including guns) and themes of depression and suicide. Read more

53 Reviews | 22 Followers
Absorbing, Entertaining, Great acting, Relevant, Fun

See it if You are or relate to teen issues. But I think everyone would enjoy it.

Don't see it if You don't like when projected text messages are used as a narrative tool.

141 Reviews | 27 Followers
Great acting, Intelligent, Great writing

See it if you are interested in teen angst and how bullying and homophobia can effect both kids and adults.

Don't see it if you are looking for a feel-good comedy. All of the characters here are pretty damaged and there are no easy answers.

99 Reviews | 17 Followers
Great acting, Great writing, Resonant, Relevant, Great staging

See it if you want a play that isnt afraid to deal with some of our youths most pressing issues they suffer with and how to navigate through

Don't see it if you dont like plays with most characters aged in high school, have an issue with profanity and discussing tough issues such as suicide

701 Reviews | 130 Followers

See it if you want see a nice gritty show with some surprises. The acting is good, very nice show.

Don't see it if you are sick of stories about kids getting bullied Read more

206 Reviews | 42 Followers
Relevant, Thought-provoking, Quirky, Absorbing, Ambitious

See it if you are interested in contemporary themes of bullying and teen angst

Don't see it if you don't care for themes of suicide and personal relationships Read more

Critic Reviews (10)

Talkin' Broadway
March 30th, 2017

“It does suffer from some clunky plot elements. But it shows real strength in its depiction of Evan, brought richly to life through Jake Glassman's compelling performance…Unfortunately, the other characters are less carefully developed and fall into clichéd and predictable patterns…While director Scott Ebersold elicits excellent performances from the cast, the play itself would be much stronger if those in orbit around Evan had been more fully developed.”
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Theatre is Easy
April 1st, 2017

“Well written, with dark comedy, intense drama, and an intriguing plot arc…The main characters are complex and believable, with deep inner lives. The peripheral characters are less developed, occasionally falling into the realm of cliché. But overall the play keeps the audience captivated—that is, until the tension-filled climax resolves with a less than believable feel-good ending…Still, 'Rare Birds' checks off many of the boxes of a great play...A memorable emotional journey.”
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Theater In The Now
April 2nd, 2017

"If Adam Szymkowicz's story sounds familiar it's because it, well, is...Szymkowicz doesn't offer a new perspective on the theme. For the most part, the plot is predictable. The characters fit into common stereotypes...Director Scott Eberold needed to somehow infuse more humor at the start to avoid the weighty topic becoming too overwhelming...'Rare Birds' is a play that thrives on the emotional content. It unfortunately begged too hard for it."
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Blog Critics
April 3rd, 2017

"'Rare Birds' proves that talent and skill can make an 'issue' piece a compelling work of art. What’s rare is Szymkowicz’s gift for naturalistic dialogue. Enacted by a cast with saber-sharp timing under the skillful direction of Scott Ebersold...The finely constructed and sharply executed dialogue makes us ride along eagerly even through some less ostensibly believable scenes...It’s a winner from start to finish."
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On Stage Blog
April 2nd, 2017

"The moment when one reaches out to help the other starts a chain reaction of understanding. But before the patch of blue sky is seen, the director Scott Ebersold suffocates the audience with adolescent violence, humiliation, and neglect. However, 'Rare Birds' is far from being black-and-white. The tight-fit cast takes us on a very real and emotional journey, where you sob one moment and laugh the next."
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March 30th, 2017

“The production plumbs the depths of how cruel teenagers can be…It's a fascinating story, but also a rather bleak one…A ticking time bomb that leaves audiences cringing more often than smiling…What sells this show is the acting, a compelling performance by a core of six actors dedicated to telling every bit of truth in the script...It's unclear by the end of the play if 'Rare Birds' is just Evan's story, or an ensemble narrative...Still, it's an emotional and fitting ending for Evan himself."
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March 30th, 2017

"The themes explored in 'Rare Birds' are heavy and often disheartening. The script does offer moments of levity and humor, but this production fails to let those moments shine, and so suffers from a constant weight on the shoulders of the characters and the audience...Szymkowicz’s script has a lot to offer, and director Scott Ebersold makes a noble attempt at bringing it fully to life. This production is effective, but doesn’t quite stand out as a must-see production."
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April 14th, 2017

"The script is well crafted, never flagging, with carefully wrought dialogue...Scott Ebersold has directed masterfully. He keeps the stage fluid and dynamic, and he allows his actors to shine. The entire cast performs well, although the two bullies aren’t given much to do except to be mean...And so 'Rare Birds' is a well-executed production of a script that lacks cultural truth. In this topsy-turvy dramatic world, the gays bully the straights. Mr. Szymkowicz needs to rethink his concept."
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