Vanity Fair
Closed 2h 45m
Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair NYC Reviews and Tickets

(216 Ratings)
Members say
Clever, Entertaining, Great acting, Ambitious, Funny

About the Show

The Pearl Theatre Company presents a new stage adaptation of William Thackeray’s classic 19th-century novel, which exposes a society that cares more for good birth and good manners than skill.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (216)

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133 Reviews | 36 Followers
Enchanting, Exquisite, Great acting, Innovative

See it if you want a show that's like a pint-sized version of the RSC's "Nicholas Nickleby." The imagination involved dazzles. Never a dull moment!

Don't see it if you like a fully staged, reverent production. There's a lot of sass here - just like it's heroine - to move the plot along.

97 Reviews | 32 Followers
Clever, Delightful, Entertaining, Great acting, Funny

See it if OMG. OMG. OMG! Run do not walk to see this brilliant adaptation of Vanity Fair. Best thing I've seen all year! You will thank me!

Don't see it if You can't sit for 2 hrs and 45 min. Or if you have no sense of humor. This was a theatrical tour de force! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

116 Reviews | 53 Followers
Enchanting, Funny, Great staging, Resonant, Ambitious

See it if U're fascinated by a thick classic turned into a condensed version modern musical that amazes with versatility, talent, adaptation & staging

Don't see it if U don't like modern tweaks to classics. U are not amused by campy satires. Read more

85 Reviews | 23 Followers
Clever, Great acting, Great staging, Quirky, Refreshing

See it if You want to see a fresh, engaging take on a classic. The idea of a slighty-raunchier Jane Austen-type story appeals to you.

Don't see it if You don't like period pieces - or conversely, you need your period pieces to be 100% time-accurate. Some great anachronistic moments here.

146 Reviews | 34 Followers
Clever, Funny, Great acting, Hilarious, Quirky

See it if You enjoy a good comedy, enjoy great acting and a really fun play with several hilarious moments. Fantastic off Broadway play. Must see.

Don't see it if You don't like quirky comedies.

69 Reviews | 18 Followers
Clever, Entertaining, Funny, Great acting, Great staging

See it if the thought of a witty race through Thackeray at a dizzy speed that would appall the more ponderous Stanley Kubrick delights you

Don't see it if you'd be unduly distressed by contemporary dance moves/music that have nothing to do with the story..or by fart jokes. Read more

290 Reviews | 93 Followers
Clever, Funny, Great acting, Great staging, Delightful

See it if Love what Eric Tucker does. I'm a true fan and you will see such a creative interpretation of an old classic. Actually it's a wild romp.

Don't see it if If you want the classics to stay classic..You need to be ready for anything out-of-the box for this one. Still laughing bout twists & turns

559 Reviews | 286 Followers
Absorbing, Ambitious, Clever, A feast for bedlam fans, Funny

See it if you enjoyed Bedlam's "Sense and Sensibility." This production is directed by Eric Tucker, and he brings his unique sensibility to the play.

Don't see it if you are not a fan of Bedlam's inventive staging and small casts playing a variety of roles. Read more

Critic Reviews (22)

The New York Times
April 3rd, 2017

"Ms. Hamill and Mr. Tucker’s 'Vanity Fair' is a breathless thing and often too hectic. But this show is a gift to actors and a goody bag for its audience...Mr. Tucker encourages the actors to indulge themselves. But they’re having such a high old time that their pleasure is infectious. Less successful are the direct-address monologues Ms. Hamill has interpolated, which state themes too baldly, and dance sequences set to the likes of 'Thriller,' which blare the play’s contemporary bona fides."
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The Wall Street Journal
April 3rd, 2017

“Ms. Hamill’s ‘Vanity Fair,’ which is being performed to coruscatingly brilliant effect by the Pearl Theatre Company, is a masterpiece of creative compression that is at once arrestingly original and faithful to its source material…The quick-change shape-shifting of the cast, the outrageous physical comedy of the staging, the startlingly witty use of props: All are Mr. Tucker’s now-familiar trademarks, and all add immeasurably to the show’s impact...Really ought to transfer to Broadway.”
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April 3rd, 2017

"Thackeray's delicious wit and satirical side-winks often get lost in this ambitious, sometimes unfocused translation...More straightforward storytelling might have better served this almost three-hour-long production. The actors never fail to impress as they race about the stage and deliver some truly inspired moments...But more often than not, the hit-and-miss jokes let the air out of this colorful balloon of a show, and the second act becomes downright dour."
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April 3rd, 2017

"'Vanity Fair' has a little bit of everything to make it one of the most intriguing adaptations of a novel I have ever seen...Becky is such a fascinating character, and watching Kate Hamill in this role was such a pleasure...That is not to undermine the extremely talented cast that joins her in the telling of this story: individuals that each play a myriad of interesting characters with such vigor and conviction, they make it look easy."
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Lighting & Sound America
April 6th, 2017

"Hamill has performed a highly efficient act of distillation, exposing the solid structure underlying Thackeray's sprawling satire...Aided by a nimble company of seven, Hamill and Tucker roll out scene after scene right out of a satiric engraving in Punch...I hasten to add that Tucker, who never can let well enough alone, does from time to time indulge himself...These moments are soon over...This production never lets us forget that Thackeray's satire routinely cuts too close for comfort."
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April 11th, 2017

“Thackeray's 784-page novel on love, money and social climbing has been adapted into a concise and cogent stage play by Kate Hamill, who has also given herself a magnificent role as she previously did in her Jane Austen adaptation. Director Eric Tucker has obtained the most out of his accomplished and skillful cast. This ‘Vanity Fair’ is a TKO putting a seemingly huge and unadaptable 19th-century novel front and center on the stage of the Pearl Theatre. Thackeray would be pleased.”
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April 3rd, 2017

"Even with an ideal space for Bedlam's style of classic adaptions and scenic designer Sandra Goldmark on board to support Eric Tucker's directorial vision, wrestling Thackeray's epic character and plot-stuffed novel into a manageable stage work is a daunting undertaking...This production will be richest for those who are familiar with the novel...Tucker helps make the character and scene shifts seem effortless...But it's hardly enough time to do justice to this doorstop-sized classic."
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Theatre is Easy
April 2nd, 2017

“Hilarious…The ensemble cast is uniformly excellent. The male actors skillfully play multiple roles…Hamill is pitch-perfect as the feisty and flinty heroine…As a writer, Hamill has made some inspired changes to Thackeray’s novel…'Vanity Fair' isn't perfect. I could have done with less of the passing gas humor, done as a group effort—but it got laughs, so what do I know…But these are minor quibbles…A fresh, fast-paced, and wildly entertaining take.”
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