Man in Snow
Man in Snow
Closed 1h 20m NYC: East Village
89% 3 reviews
(3 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Resonant, Absorbing, Abstract, Moving

About the Show

La MaMa presents the New York premiere of Israel Horovitz's stage adaptation of his radio drama, about a retired man's return trip to Alaska's tallest peak.

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Critic Reviews (11)

The New York Times
November 16th, 2016

"Nicely acted…Some of this play’s most vivid writing concerns Emily’s anguished need for her father’s love…But the restraint that’s so becoming in much of this production gives way then to distracting excess. On a previously spare set, we see David encased in snow, which looks cheap and messy. The sound design shifts into obtrusively heart-tugging strings. This quiet, rueful little play needs to keep breathing in that final scene. Instead it suffocates."
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November 24th, 2016

“Prolific, record-setting author Israel Horovitz has turned his literate, moving radio drama ‘Man in Snow’ into a stage play which arrived at the East Village landmark cultural institution La Mama in a neat, dreamy co-production of the Barefoot Theatre Company and Compagnia Horovitz-Paciotto...By the end of the play, directed with a cool, but telling hand by Mr. Horovitz, the complexity and wisdom of the ill-fated characters resonate deeply.”
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Theatre is Easy
November 17th, 2016

"What Horovitz did not tell us was that we were about to experience moments of perfect theatre; that we were collectively about to lose ourselves in his writing...Despite the heavy subject matter, 'Man in Snow' has some of the finest acting I’ve seen in a long time...Lyman exerts a tangible power over all that he does, always seeking something genuine, and never settling. Matched in this success is Sandra Shipley...To watch them work and create within Horovitz’ script is a pleasure."
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Theater Pizzazz
November 16th, 2016

"The confrontation between Emily and her father is one of the most agonizing and powerful scenes in the play…A very dense, haunting and beautifully performed and author-directed 80-minute drama. Its one drawback? David’s poetry. It made me think it might not have been such a terrible blow to literature for him to have given it up."
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Blog Critics
November 17th, 2016

"An exceptional work by the always intriguing Israel Horovitz in a sterling production...The play is in part humorous, in part poignant, and richly profound, poetic, and human throughout...The character of David is incisively and sensitively inhabited by Will Lyman in a powerful performance...All of these elements and the superb ensemble create a memorable and illuminating theatrical vision...A masterwork that will resonate with you long afterward."
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Theater In The Now
November 20th, 2016

"This play contains much introspection...The non-linear storytelling is very interesting and I got the impression that the characters who were not in a particular scene were observing and listening to the action...This play also connects the world of the living and the world of the dead. Those who are looking for a testament to lifelong monogamous love will certainly appreciate this show and the emotionally conversant characters."
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Plays to See
November 16th, 2016

"An extraordinary, exquisite and poignant story of one man’s grief over the loss of his son...The care in development is well reflected in the artistic and emotional gratification we receive from this superb production. At 77, Israel Horovitz, still vital in his originality, has created in 'Man in Snow' a piece that confronts our imagination, challenges our fears and complacencies and is, finally, immensely entertaining and heartwarming."
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October 3rd, 2016
For a previous production

"'Man In Snow' goes to some raw and primal places, especially in its haunting finale...Brings a compactness and clarity to ideas that, in less capable hands, could come across as amorphous. Only periodically, when David recites a poem he’s working on, does a certain fuzziness materialize around the play’s edges...Will Lyman, who portrays David, is utterly convincing."
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