“Intriguing and masterful play...Everything about this production was brilliant, from the acting to the immersive experience...Relationships...are visceral and very real, a series of moments that make this play so amazing to not only watch, but to digest...In short, ‘The Blue Room’ is definitely an experience that every adult should have. It will make you feel things you yearn for...It is definitely a range of emotions ensconced in the eroticism of a moment."
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"Hunter’s direction allows the viewer to discover the connections without overt signalling. Curiosity is created naturally. There are funny extras...Hunter and Toth not only move scenery, but move easily from each situation and character. His persona is usually befuddled, arrogant and rich. Hers appear insecure but smarter than they let on. That 'The Blue Room' is performed in the basement of an art gallery allows their characters’ intimacy and the audience’s too."
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"It’s a very good play in concept, characters and dialogue. Schnitzler’s play has been updated, but without conceptual change...Max Hunter directs himself and Christina Toth, and they work well together...The show is sexy without ever being vulgar...The cast is not without faults...But they eschew affectation or heavy-handed characterization."
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“Action unfolds inches from the audience making the piece more voyeuristic and disquieting...The stories fall into shallow cliches - and the play's discussion about sex never amounts to more than a casual conversation...Hunter shows disdain, swagger and callousness but he never touches the vulnerability that Toth discovers, especially in the more damaged individuals...Costumes challenge the smoothness of the production...Bulky, too, are set changes."
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"This striking production captures the audience by close proximity and creative scene development. Controversial in both its subject matter and general rowdiness, 'The Blue Room' will keep you watching the actors on the stage and not your phone! Performances by actors Christina Toth and Max Hunter do much by way of captivating that attention...Standout performances by both lead actors, brilliantly executed sets and costumes, and a thinkpiece of a story."
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