The Dudleys!
Closed 2h 10m
The Dudleys!

The Dudleys! NYC Reviews and Tickets

(35 Ratings)
Members say
Clever, Quirky, Ambitious, Entertaining, Great staging

About the Show

Loading Dock Theatre presents Leegrid Stevens' comedy, in which a family's memories are brought to life as a malfunctioning 8-bit video game.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (35)

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302 Reviews | 87 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Great staging, Great writing, Must see

See it if You explore complex familial relationships as they develop over time and appreciate novel, ingenious staging and competent execution.

Don't see it if You have a short attention span, cannot devote two hours to watch a show, or do not enjoy musicals or understand Nintendo or video games.

181 Reviews | 39 Followers
Absorbing, Entertaining, Great acting, Great writing, Intelligent

See it if You want to catch a uniquely presented show-a mesmerizing family inside a video game! Wonderfully imaginative. Lots of fun- yet poignant~

Don't see it if You dislike video games or are looking for a standard show-this plays with all levels (!) of a family-bringing a game to believable life-

332 Reviews | 109 Followers
Clever, Delightful, Great staging, Refreshing

See it if You like clever usage of projections and animation. You like seemingly biographical pieces exploring family and grief.

Don't see it if You're frustrated when you can't hear lyrics or don't have any familiarity with video games.

50 Reviews | 18 Followers
Ambitious, Entertaining, Great acting, Quirky, Thought-provoking

See it if You appreciate fine acting in a fresh and innovative show.

Don't see it if You are looking for a traditional story told in a linear fashion.

563 Reviews | 194 Followers
Clever, Great acting, Quirky, Intelligent, Absorbing

See it if You want a unique take on the classic family drama. You want an emotional experience. You like technology used for storytelling.

Don't see it if You want a compact, spare story: the show could've been edited better. You don't like technology mixed w/storytelling.

100 Reviews | 16 Followers
Clever, Intelligent, Thought-provoking, Relevant

See it if You enjoy video games and shows that incorporate technology into them. You can handle heavy subject matter handled in a unique way.

Don't see it if You don't like or understand the concept of video games. Are triggered by death and health issues or family issues in shows.

618 Reviews | 143 Followers
Mormonfamily+undead in video game, Great use of video & choreography, Excellent cast, Familyvalues & grieving explored, Needs trimming

See it if you want a visually explosive, thought provoking journey into video gaming land with a game cast, excellent design & capable direction

Don't see it if you don't care for video games or have no knowledge of their worlds, 1/2 the joy of this piece is recognizing the references

79 Reviews | 39 Followers
Clever, Entertaining, Quirky, Refreshing

See it if You always wondered how your life as a video game would play out. It was original and fun, the positives outweigh the hiccups.

Don't see it if If you're not nostalgic for those early consoles, or hate video games in general. While the staging was creative, the sound needs work.

Critic Reviews (5)

The New York Times
October 12th, 2016

"Visually, the production offers plenty of diversion...But the wobbly plot doesn’t really go anywhere; it’s more a series of disconnected scenes, featuring characters who aren’t really much more realistically textured than the figures in video games...All the actors have fun with their roles under the direction of Jacob Titus and Mr. Stevens...The play itself, strenuously madcap but with minimal emotional underpinning, didn’t score many points with me."
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Theatre is Easy
October 14th, 2016

"With amazing design but unfocused storytelling, 'The Dudleys!' is a flawed show built on a great premise...The show is at its best when it is featuring the imaginative animated scenes and offering opportunities for the actors to interact with textures and ideas in creative, clever ways...The story is all over the place...Narrative moments appear, as well as more flattened archetypal character threads, but unfortunately, they never really come together to form any coherent whole."
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Theater In The Now
October 14th, 2016

"'The Dudleys' is unique in execution but lacks a strong, cohesive story to carry the audience on a two-hour journey...The draw of this play is the unique visuals created by the skilled creative team...It was a daring production to say the least. Perhaps it was the lack of connection to the material that caused the audience to not get on board for the ride. When the audience is unsure of whether to clap or not at the intermission break, it’s a warning sign that something isn’t working."
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New York Theatre Review
October 21st, 2016

"There was a disconnect between the gestalt of the show, and the story it was telling, a disconnect that, as impressed as I was by the direction, design, and performances, left me wanting a little bit more...The design of this play, it must be stressed, is quite amazing...It was just a play, albeit one with great projections. And as a play, the script doesn’t live up to the creators' attempt to put an immersive world on stage. "
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October 13th, 2016

"The acting, music, and plot all stood their ground next to the primary-colored landscape, and somewhere gelled perfectly...The play is not perfect. The first act should be 20 minutes shorter. My companion felt that the ending was almost too perfect. But I ate it up like a horse being given a jewel-tone sugar cube...The whole family and ensemble were lovely and engaging in their own ways but the two brothers at the center of the story were the winners of the night for me."
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