Macbeth (Shakespeare's Globe Theatre)
Macbeth (Shakespeare's Globe Theatre)

Macbeth (Shakespeare's Globe Theatre) London Reviews and Tickets

(74 Ratings)
Members say
Clever, Entertaining, Great acting, Ambitious, Absorbing

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Abigail Graham's directorial debut at the Globe Theatre for this production of Shakespeare's tragedy.

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119 Reviews | 41 Followers
Confusing, Dark, Great acting

See it if you'd never seen a production at the Globe Theatre

Don't see it if you're not well-versed in Shakespeare and are hoping for a particularly accessible production

185 Reviews | 20 Followers
Banal, Fluffy, Insipid

See it if You want to watch a modern take of a classic

Don't see it if You hate one of the best tragedies spoiled by occasional humour. Twas a rough night said by Macbeth takes the crown for such tasteless lines

13 Reviews | 0 Followers
Entertaining, Enchanting, Absorbing

See it if If you like modern Shakespeare done very well.

Don't see it if You’re not a fan of Shakespeare or modern adaptations.

6 Reviews | 0 Followers
Relevant, Great staging, Clever

See it if You enjoy the play, it is a decent version of it

Don't see it if You are hoping for a very modern take. Though costumes are in a modern style, the acting is the original script

9 Reviews | 0 Followers
Excruciating, Insipid, Confusing, Disappointing, Overrated

See it if You hate Shakespeare

Don't see it if You can't stand the wave of aggressive modernizing of the classics

4 Reviews | 0 Followers

See it if if you are interested in this story

Don't see it if if you have other plans

1 Review | 0 Followers
Amazing, Ambitious, Delightful, Clever, Entertaining

See it if It was amazing production and talented actors.

Don't see it if If blood and violence upset you don’t see the production.

2 Reviews | 0 Followers

See it if Time well spent!!!

Don't see it if It was all worth my time. Thanks!!!

Critic Reviews (6)

The London Evening Standard
August 3rd, 2023

“...the Globe has opted for a staging that is young, condensed, and funnier than usual for its own take – though the latter innovation is not always a good thing.”
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The Telegraph (UK)
August 3rd, 2023

“The evening is at its most compelling in exploring anxieties about succession, and the childless Macbeth’s crazed perception of the threat posed by others’ vulnerable offspring.”
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London Theatre
August 4th, 2023

“This ‘Macbeth’ is restlessly watchable... What this modern-dress staging is saying more generally is difficult to determine, notwithstanding a provocative programme essay about Shakespeare’s tragedy as a prologue to totalitarian misrule.”
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The Stage (UK)
August 2nd, 2023

“There’s enough texture, surprise and dark humour in this staging to keep a Globe crowd happy, even in our current soggy summer. But a more decisive execution would have made its nightmares more memorable.”
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August 3rd, 2023

“With a choir underscoring the piece with haunting melodies, the elements are there to create an intriguing, chilling version of the famous play. Instead, it all feels a little off-kilter and underdeveloped.”
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The Guardian (UK)
August 3rd, 2023

“Joseph Payne’s sweet but naive Malcolm seems no more suited to power than Duncan or Macbeth and it seems clear that Scotland will soon require another leader, who may in turn disappoint – one of the ways in which Shakespeare’s tragedy of ambition feels darkly aligned to our times.”
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