" 'The Motive and the Cue' generates sufficient excitement not to require chivvying along from an outside source: the play and its players are in every way the thing."
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“It’s entertaining, with a rousing finale, but I wish ‘The Motive and the Cue’ had more of the grit and weirdness of ‘Hamlet’, not just borrowed its poetry...‘The Motive and the Cue’ may be a love letter to theatre, but in the end it feels a little too Hollywood.”
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"This is a witty, deft, touching evocation of a fascinating, fraught encounter that captures the mood of those times. "
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"This play is Thorne and Mendes's own love letter to the stage, full of both intellect and passion, clever and profoundly moving."
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“Thorne’s play does so extremely well but I suspect most people – certainly those outside the hardcore nerd demographic, those that theatres surely want to reach – are more interested in product than process.”
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“Immaculately directed by Sam Mendes, it’s a poised study of how two actors of radically different temperaments sparred in the run-up to opening night...Thorne has deftly woven the elements together, while Mendes gets first-rate performances out of his two leading players.”
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“Thorne’s play might have too much theatrical in-joking and navel-gazing for some...But the genuine love for the medium is incredibly touching and Thorne cleverly balances that with affectionate lampooning and occasional sharp skewering.”
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“There is a real sense of remove too as we watch actors playing actors who, in turn, are playing characters in Hamlet, or unpicking the meanings of the play, scene by scene. Ultimately, this play-about-the-play leaves us wishing we had been there to see Burton in the real thing.”
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