Nicu's Spoon

For the last 15 years we have been the only all-inclusive company off-off and off Broadway. Our core programming, whether reinvigorating a classic or work-shopping an original play, is to involve as diverse as group of artists as we possibly can in the belief that they, the audience and the project will be richer for it. Each season has addressed a different perspective on empowerment through adversity, the belief that all voices need to be heard in languages we all share but express in uncommon and remarkable ways.

Productions (1)

Must See!
2 Reviews
NYC: Queens

Nicu's Spoon and Identity Theatre Company present this steampunk-inspired, disablity-questioning take on…

Followers (1)

1K+ Reviews | 953 Followers
How I score: 90s: Must see! 80s: Most should see. 70s: Good show but not for everyone. 60s: I en... Read more
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