The Fall (St Ann's Warehouse)
Closed 1h 20m
The Fall (St Ann's Warehouse)

The Fall (St Ann's Warehouse) NYC Reviews and Tickets

(20 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Relevant, Intelligent, Thought-provoking, Great singing

About the Show

St. Ann's Warehouse presents this hit from this year’s Edinburgh Fringe, where a cast of seven actors recount their experiences as student leaders of a protest movement on the University of Cape Town campus.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (20)

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96 Reviews | 30 Followers
Relevant, Refreshing, Must see, Great singing, Thought-provoking

See it if you are interested in social change, social justice, Decolonization, want to hear original xhosa tunes from South Africa.

Don't see it if you'd rather not think about racial issues, protests, politics and academy.

803 Reviews | 253 Followers
Absorbing, Relevant, Thought-provoking, Exquisite, Inspiring

See it if Students lead a social justice movement in South Africa. Singing and chanting. Debate over the course of action. I was immersed and moved.

Don't see it if You don’t enjoy social justice plays, or the point of view of millenials. You don’t want to learn more about race & class issues.

174 Reviews | 25 Followers
Absorbing, Must see, Intelligent, Intense

See it if you are interested in devised theatre focusing on race and inequality.

Don't see it if you aren't interested in political theatre

56 Reviews | 10 Followers
Ambitious, Great staging, Intelligent, Intense, Thought-provoking

See it if You are interested in post- apartheid S.A. Talented company created this piece. You want to be moved yet again by young people's activism.

Don't see it if You aren't interested in the subject matter. Don't like simple ensemble work. Read more

260 Reviews | 13 Followers
Great acting, Great writing, Profound, Riveting, Thought-provoking

See it if You enjoy thought provoking plays about real life events and issues with great acting.

Don't see it if You want to take a blinds eye to some very poignant and troubling issues or are in the mood for something light and fluffy.

414 Reviews | 70 Followers
Absorbing, Relevant, Great singing, Thought-provoking, Intelligent

See it if play written by cast about their involvement in a protest movement at the Univ. of Cape Town; monologues interspersed with singing

Don't see it if don't want issues of racism & colonialism; don't like minimalist sets; want dialogue rather than mostly monologues Read more

207 Reviews | 34 Followers
Absorbing, Ambitious, Great singing, Great acting, Intelligent

See it if you like thought plays. And stories that are told in non-traditional ways. And if you're interested in politics of race and humanity.

Don't see it if if the above doesn't appeal to you!

197 Reviews | 74 Followers
Absorbing, Great singing, Resonant, Thought-provoking

See it if you'd like a true story of South African students who want to eliminate racism and bias at their university; how far are they willing to go?

Don't see it if you're not interested in issues of race, gender, patriarchy, bias; play sometimes becomes a little preachy, but heartfelt

Critic Reviews (13)

The New York Times
March 12th, 2018

"Stirring ensemble theater piece...Not so much a protest play, as it is a play about a protest, and that distinction is what it gives this docudrama its arresting complexity...That each cast member is such a compellingly specific presence is a blessing and a necessity...The rushing momentum of what happened, both scary and exhilarating, is most evocatively conjured by the details of first-person reminiscence...There is an infectious, heady joy in such scenes."
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March 13th, 2018

"There's nothing naive or immature about this rousing piece of political theater. Instead, this collective work exudes the kind of nuance and wisdom born from difficult personal experience...The kind of mature, clear-eyed hindsight that is the mark of promising young artists...Ultimately, it's that sense of blazing passion that one is left with in 'The Fall'...'The Fall' stands as a stirring testament to their adaptability and fortitude, with lessons that deserve to be heard."
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Theatre is Easy
March 17th, 2018

"The student is the future in this powerful piece of social justice theatre...Its brutal honesty holds up a mirror that both reflects and amplifies its source. This exceedingly well-made devised piece revolves around the events during and after the Rhodes Must Fall movement in South Africa...Though experimental in nature, the piece never ventures into obscurity...The value of 'The Fall' lies in its ability to expand our existing understanding of activism."
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The Telegraph (UK)
August 9th, 2016
For a previous production

"This fleet-footed piece blazes with a sense of injustice and yearning for change that is hard to refute...Though steaming with militant ire...the piece avoids angry agit-prop, by honouring the arc of the protest...'The Fall' invigoratingly charts the Biko-isation of a generation of students; where it will end, though, is another matter. About the role of the Zuma government in this fraught chapter the show is studiously quiet."
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August 13th, 2017
For a previous production

"A play that’s a nuanced, compelling insight into their fight. This close-knit group erupts onto the stage, humming with energy and resolve...A series of tightly-scripted debates show them wrestling with these problems...Here, infectious dance sequences show that they've got the energy to make their theories real. But more ponderous, dragging group movements also show their struggle’s psychological toll...'The Fall' couldn’t be more topical. It captures a spirit, a cultural moment."
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October 2nd, 2017
For a previous production

"It's a vivid account...If the subject seems timely, it's because the arguments have spread...If the arguments have become familiar, 'The Fall' pushes on. What happens next?...Told collectively and directly – old-school agit-prop – a lot of 'The Fall's' drama comes from heated debate. Jostling argument does the job of action and, under Clare Stopford's supervision, it covers the bases...Music acts almost as a balm...The songs stand for something in their own right as well."
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Time Out London
July 28th, 2017
For a previous production

"This is an energising show, performed by its seven actors in song to a foot-stomping rhythm, capturing the heady rush of finding a cause to fight for...There’s real power here, as each performer takes their turn in the spotlight to give their own perspective...What adrenalizes this show are the differences it splits open between the students depending on their background. It’s not a tidy portrait of people unified by a common cause...It’s also a funny, humane piece of work."
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The London Evening Standard
September 29th, 2017
For a previous production

"The story is explosive but the storytelling itself is dynamite, as a seven-strong ensemble of former UCT drama students talk, sing, chant, dance, and stomp their way through 80 pulsating minutes of anger and sadness...The conversation of the energized student movement ranges far and wide...Throughout it all, the energy levels never falter in a production curated with confidence and spark...A valuable and vital piece of theatre."
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